I have been consistently calorie county for about a year now. I was looking for away to control my appetite because I was eating a lot of food most days. If I thought about food I would go and get it. Then some days I wouldn’t eat much at all. Plus I really didn’t really think about what I was eating. I just ate what I want. I would eat pizza for breakfast or sometimes even spaghetti. I didn’t care what time of day I was eating or anything. Also I wasn’t looking at my portion size at all. So I decided to try to find a way to get my eating under control. I did some research and came across calorie counting. I am not really trying to give up all my favorite foods so I needed to find something that would allow me to have them. Here are the benefits I have found of calorie counting.
- I am able to make better decisions about what I want to eat. Seeing how many calories goes into whatever I am eating allows me to decided if I want to eat what I am planning to eat or to choose something else.
- It encourages me to workout so that I can enjoy the meals that I want. It’s like I am rewarding myself for my hard work. However I am also earning calories toward my favorite foods.
- Seeing what I am eating makes it easier for me to curb my appetite. I can physically see that I had enough and then make a conscious decision to stop eating.
It has been working really well so far. I do have days when I go over but I don’t sweat those days as much as I did in the beginning. At first I would get so disappointed and angry at myself for going over. But I eventually came to realize that as long as it isn’t every day I’m okay. I had to accept that I would have days like this basically. However I’m no longer letting it mentally freak me out. I’m learning to celebrate the days I don’t go over. I’m also getting more comfortable with my new lifestyle.