This summer it was a mission to get the kids to be more independent. Basically cutting the apron strings a little. The goal was for them to rely on themselves more. This included them get themselves to their own destinations. With their dad and I having to work they don’t always have many options to get places. I mean there is Uber and Lyft but they aren’t always the most cost effective way to get somewhere. So The Husband and I thought it would be best for them to learn how to take the bus and train to places that they want to go.
I have noticed that kids lately well at least where I work turn up their noses at any form of transportation besides a car. I can’t tell you how many questions I get about me riding my bike to work. I am constantly asked why don’t I just use a car. They don’t seem to understand that even if we had a second car, besides the one we have which my husband uses to drive to work, that I would still opt to ride my bike. My kids aren’t like this but I would be lying if I said that the attitude of these children didn’t make me push them just a little more. So when the opportunity to push them oput of their comfort zones came up I happily gave them a little push to try riding public transportation.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with public transportation. Actually, I think you could even say that it is one of the safest ways to travel. The drivers of such vehicles not only have the reputation of their business to worry about, but they have the lives of a large number of people in their hands, so they need to drive carefully at all times. I would always travel via public transport if I could. Also, in recent years, companies that manage fleets have made the decision to use Fleet Risk Management Solutions, from somewhere like Lytx (see this reference for more information) to ensure that they can track their driver activities as well as guaranteeing the safety of all involved at the same time too. This tends to be the case when truck drivers are involved, but it is important to note all the same. They all have a similar job to do, and everyone including my children should understand how important their job actually is.
Tyler’s opportunity to use public transport came when he was given the chance to be part of a program for young black men at Morehouse College. We found out about the program on short notice so we had to figure out how he was going to get there. The Husband and I decided that the bus and train would be the best way to go. It was a 4 day program. I rode with him the first day and then he rode the rest of the days by himself. Just a note he was already riding the bus up to his college prep program (which was also a first) but this was his first time going beyond that by himself. He did amazing. Not that I doubted he would but I was a little worried just because he is my child but he has successfully done it. He said he doesn’t see himself riding it unless it’s necessary.
Nishe’s opportunity came when she wanted to go to a friend’s house and hang out. She wanted to be there by a certain time and neither me or The Husband could help her out because we had to work. So she decided to take the bus and the train over there. It took her a few hours but she made it. This was huge for her because she actually planned out herself and just did it. I’ve been trying to get her get out of her comfort zone for awhile. The fact that it was her idea made even more impressive to me.
There are 3 reasons why I wanted my kids to experience the public transportation system.
- It’s more affordable: Taking public transportation is way more affordable than taking an Uber or a Lyft. While Uber or Lyft is helpful at times it is sometimes better to just take public transportation.
- Independence: I want them to be more independent. So I think riding public transportation will allow them to do this. They have to depend on themselves to get where they are going
- Explore: I want them to just explore the world around them. I want them to get out of their comfort zones and enjoy life. Life isn’t just by car.
I am glad that my kids went on the bus and train now I am confident they can do it without me. But I hope they do it more often.