I have noticed that I have had the same goals for years now. Each year I’ve set these goals and each year I have failed them. I have to admit that each time I have to admit that I am disappointed in myself. I mean really who wouldn’t be. Especially to find yourself in the same spot year after year. Even if some thing in your life are different you can still feel unfulfilled if you haven’t accomplished what you feel really matters. I have to ask myself why I can’t seem to meet the goals I set for myself. Here it is what I have come up with. Maybe you can relate. I have come up with reasons why I and others like me can’t meet our goals:
- Confidence- I find that my confidence in achieving my goals is really low. Lets be honest if you can’t believe in yourself how can you expect others to believe in you. So you have to be confident in yourself.
- Others’ opinions- When you let the opinions of others detour you from your goals you are almost guaranteed to not meet them. Even if you claim to see it as fuel you can sometimes let their opinions steer you in a direction that you usually wouldn’t go.
- Self-doubt- If you are always doubting yourself like I am how are you going to achieve anything.
- Comfort Zone- I realized that because of not forcing myself beyond my many comfort zones it contributes to me being in the same place. The other day I was having a conversation on Facebook with some friends about eggs and I realized I’ve never had anything other than scrambled or hard boiled. I don’t know why but that caused me to think how little I step outside of my comfort zone and that stepping out of it may help me get to where I want to be.
- Negativity- You do things with a little negativity involved. I just applied for writing opportunity last week and my immediate thought was let me sign up for this even though I don’t think I am going to get it. I thought that from the beginning. From that point I realized I filled out that application with little effort. Because I already decided I wasn’t going to get it I didn’t even really try to get it. So of course I didn’t put my all behind. Cause I think if I had thought I was going to get it I would’ve tried to sell myself harder.
- Excuses- I have written about this countless times. I give myself excuses not to do things so I don’t even try. I have already tainted my brain with why I can’t do whatever it is I am trying to do.
Having written this out it is amazing how little that you think you affect yourself until you actually think about it. It seems like the only person who is holding me down is me. I mean now that I look at it I have been doing this to myself for years. I am realizing that I definitely need to fix this. Is this what has been holding you back? If not what is causing you not to meet your goals?