Today I had the day off because of the Labor Day Holiday. I can honestly say I really needed this day. I really didn’t have much planned. I had a few things I had to do. Finish some laundry from yesterday ace clean up my home. But I mainly just wanted to enjoy my home. I haven’t had a chance to do that in a while. I also wanted to just enjoy my own company. At first I thought I wanted to go somewhere but then decided that since I had some things to do here at the house that it was best for me to stay in.
My day started normally. I decided it was best to stick to some sort of routine but I didn’t pressure myself to stick to it. I got up and did a 30 minute workout. I was proud of myself for that. This is for two reasons 1. I was actually going to skip this workout and go back to bed. 2. I haven’t done a 30 minute workout in months. I did decide to keep the workout low impact. I just wanted to move my body and get something done. After that I caught up on some television shows while playing games on my phone and listened to the podcast of a radio station that I haven’t heard in forever. I just took that moment to relax before I got to working on my blog post of a recent trip to a place called Pasaquan in Columbus, Georgia. After that I folded some laundry and vacuumed my room. It’s weird but all of this was just so relaxing to me. I just had to take care of myself and my home. It felt amazing.

We also went to visit an ill family member. Let me tell you watching a family member decline is so difficult. They basically become a shell of why they use to be. Especially with a condition like dementia. You find yourself wishing for the days where they could communicate with you even if it was an argument. When they start to forget you and other family members it’s just heartbreaking. When this family member forgets and she realizes she has forgotten you can see the pain it causes her. But we make sure we let her know she is loved. She really perks up when we and other family members come to visit. So we try to visit as often as we can.
I had an all around good day. I feel like the rest of my week will go pretty well since I had this time. How was your Labor Day?