Lately I’ve been thinking about how long it has taken me to find a job. I am no longer calling it my job I am calling it my career. I have always enjoyed working with children. I remember telling my mom and others when I was younger I was going to be a teacher when I grew up. When I was younger my parents welcomed family members to come and stay with us or allowed younger cousins to come and stay with us during the summer or when their parents needed time to get on their feet. My mom also babysat. So from there I knew that I wanted to work with kids. As I grew older I still had the desire to work with children. However I didn’t do so great in high school. I could have done better but I got wrapped up in trying to have fun over focusing on work. Then I got married and took some jobs because I needed to work and pay bills. After awhile it became I had to help provide for my family. Basically life took over. I used to babysit in my home for friends and family. Now I did have three other jobs where I worked with kids but those didn’t workout for me. In fact the last job where I worked with kids was the last time I worked for the next 9 years. From there I became a stay at home mom and wound up just focusing on my family. I even went back to school. Now I am working again and I really appreciate the career I have.
However it made me wonder why it took me so long to get where I wanted to be. I spent hours, days, months, and years wondering this. The only thing I can come up with is that it just wasn’t my time. I had some growing up to do and lessons to learn before I was truly ready to be where I needed to be. I had to become stronger than I was all those years ago. Cause to do what I do you definitely need to be strong. I had to come into myself some more. The now that I wanted was not the now that I needed. Just weeks before I took the job I currently have I almost accepted a job that I didn’t want just because I needed it. The day I was suppose to start that job became one of the worse days of my life. Then about two weeks later this job came along.
I am writing all this to say please appreciate your journey. You don’t know where your trials and tribulations we lead you. Sometimes you have to be patient to get where you want to be. There will be some frustration, hurt, and anger involved but realize there will also be some happy moments and victories. Most importantly don’t give up. There is a reason for everything. You may not see it right now but trust me it is there. I am not totally where I want to be in life but I will get there and am enjoying working on me.