I understand people are allowed to have opinions but I just think some opinions should be kept to yourself. People do things differently. For example people raise their children different. No one person raises their child exactly the same way. Raising kids is a touchy subject for me. I mean I can hear advice but don’t try to force me to take your advice or think your way is the better way.
Recently I had an encounter with a coworker who thinks very old school. Now mind you I’ve had encounters with this coworker before. Not horrible but I just don’t agree with his view on things. He’s the one who was saying that another coworker wouldn’t find a man because she is too strong. His views are just pure ignorance to me. Just the other day he said that guys who are above the age of 18 shouldn’t be living with their mother. See the problem I have with this is because everyone has a different story. He claims that he was on his own at the age of 17. I told him that just because his story turned out the way it did doesn’t give him the right o set that expectation for everyone. I explained to him that people have many reasons to continue living with their parents and it isn’t up to him to decide what they should be doing. I was super up in my feelings because I am the mother of a son and I was offended that he would try to put that kind of pressure on any young man.

I honestly believe that young men do not need that kind of pressure to go out in the world when they are not ready. I do believe children need to leave the nest but that is up to them and their parents to decide and no one else. I don’t understand why there is an age for a person to move out if they are actually working towards something. Now if the person isn’t working towards anything I can see setting boundaries like that to give them a kick in the pants. I just don’t think children should be pushed out of the nest when they aren’t ready. Even if they are ready they may need to come back. It’s okay either way. I don’t think the door to my home will ever be closed to my kids. Because I want them to feel like they can come home again whenever it is necessary.
My son just turned eighteen less than two months ago. I would let him go if he felt like he was ready to take on the world right now. I won’t lie though I would be so scared. I have absolutely no idea how he wouldhandle such a big responsibility. Although I am sure he will figure it out. I mean he will have to do when he goes to college. Even then he will be a little sheltered. He won’t have to do bills and everything.
I just don’t understand the need to just push our kids out into the world when they aren’t ready. For me as long as my kids are pursuing something and are actually trying to figure things out I don’t mind if they are at home. I do hope they spread their wings and figure things out but until they do they have a home with me. Now if they ever need a kick in the pants I will be there to give them one.