I’m so proud of myself! I have finished my 3rd book for this year. This one took me less time to read than the last book. Life has been busy but I stuck to my guns and made in effort to read in my spare time. So I’m happy. I’m excited to move on to my next book. But let’s talk about this book first.
The book I finished reading is called Balancing Destiny. It’s about Destiny Daniels. She is a young lady who is on the cusp of starting her writing career. She is getting ready to move to Washington to start her job at The Washington Post when she discovers a bombshell secret. She is adopted. This news completely derails all her plans because now she wants answers. So she decides to move to New York to find her parents. On this journey she will get answers but also find some other things along the way. One of those is finding a man who just might be the love of her life.

I really enjoyed this story. Destiny is a really strong individual. She has to deal with so much. She deals with racism and even family turning on her. But she also figured things out and finds answers. I love the way things turn out for her in the end. This book was a great read. The author wrote it so well. I can’t wait to read my next book.