Dual enrollment? What the heck is dual enrollment is what I asked my daughter when she approached me about doing a dual enrollment program at her school. Basically she is in high school and college at the same time. The girl is amazing! Her grades in school have qualified her for this program. All she had to do was test to see what she qualified for. There is a reason why I have never heard of such a program. I was not a very good student in high school. I had my mind on other things rather than performing to the best of my ability. I totally regret not being the best student I could be. I just barely graduated high school by the skin of my teeth. But I’m glad that my kids are way better than students than I was. When Nishe’ told me about the program I of course had to do my research. I wanted to know how this program would help her in school. So I went to a meeting at the school and did some research on my own. I am finding that allowing her to this program will really benefit her. It’s an extra bonus that it’s free. I mean I suspected it would but it really helps to know exactly how.
- Students will get a taste of what college is like. Nishe’ actually gets to go to the college campus for her classes and then she also gets to work online.
- Students will obtain either college credits or an associates degree depending on the school. Nishe’ will earn an associates when she graduates.
- It gives them adult responsibility. I am kind of sad about this one. I cannot speak to the professors at the college for her. If she has any issues she has to do it herself. Which means it is important for us to have great communication.
- It will give her more time to figure out what her major will be. Although she tells me she already knows what she wants to do.
- Dual enrollment will save us money on college. Instead of paying for four years college we are down to three.
- Students could possibly graduate early.
I’m just so glad that my baby girl has this opportunity because she will be able to accomplish a lot with this. If you are interested to see if your child’s high school has programs such as this talk to their counselors. I will say this most dual enrollment programs require students to have a 2.5 or higher to get in. I had no idea that this was even available. I’m glad I know now. I hope my son can get into it as well. It would benefit him as well.
Wow that’s great to hear. I always wondered why some HS kids were taking college classes, but if I was serious in HS, I would of took advantage of dual enrollment. Good luck to her! And don’t be scared, just be happy that she has done this and recognizing what she wants in her life! I’m happy for her.
I am so happy for her. I can’t wait to see where this takes her.