I’m having a bit of writer’s block today. I can’t really think of anything interesting to share. Well when this happens I figure it may be because I have a lot on my mind. I find that the best way to get a clear mind is to write down some of what is on it. So I thought that I would share it with you all. I call it A Bit of Randomness because it isn’t really one thing I’m thinking about. So bear with me.
1. I keep looking at my daughter and I am just in disbelief. In less than 3 weeks she will be in high school. Time is flying by so fast. The count down has begun. Pretty soon she will be graduating and on her way to college. I mean where is the little baby I was holding.
2. Then I look at my son and he is about to begin his second year of middle school I am wondering how he will handle middle school alone. In fact how will she handle high school. I mean both of them are entering unchartered territory.
3. What am I going to do with myself once we are back in the normal school routine? This is a question I am having the hardest time answering. What will I do with all the extra time on my hands? I want to do something besides clean and sit in the house. So I have decided that I am going to try to get out the house a little more. I might think of tending to the garden a bit, maybe get some nice new plants. I’m sure there are many shops I can buy beautiful flowering or vegetable plants from; I got speaking to a friend about it, she recommended a store and told me I can shop with them here. Let’s see where that’ll take me! I am also going to work on my blog and a story I am writing.
4. I think that I may need to put a little more effort into my relationship. I mean I can always do better right. Men like romance and gifts too. I would love to be the one to surprise my husband with something rather than him always surprising me.
5. How do I take my blog to the next level? I am always wondering this. What can I do to take my blog to the next level? Right now I am thinking of a lot of things that I want to change. Like for example getting a professional header. I actually have an idea of one I want to make myself but I have to get my kids on board with it. I also want to get out to more events.
6. I always wonder if I am the only one who gets confused on how to use certain words. Like Its and it’s or even effect and affect. I often catch myself having to look up how to use some words.
7. Why I can’t I get serious about my fitness? I have been wondering this for the longest. I really want to be healthier but for some reason it is a big struggle for me. I have got to figure out a way to stick with it. I am hoping that something will click for me soon.
8. Another thing I have been thinking about is putting a little more effort into my appearance just because I am a stay at home mom doesn’t mean I have to look a mess.
9. I wish we could have taken a family trip this summer. I would have loved to be on the beach during the summer or a new place that we haven’t been to before . Send my kids back to school with wonderful stories to tell.
10. I am still working on not comparing myself to others. I often find myself wondering why I don’t get what others have and why can’t I be like so and so. I think I am doing much better but I have a lot of work ahead of me.
So that’s everything I’ve been thinking about. What have you been thinking about lately?
Topaz says
Love this idea for “those days” when we feel too distracted to write. Just writing what comes to mind would be a great way to take the pressure off when we are distracted with our own thoughts. I could relate to a lot of those, especially 5, 6, and 8.
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