I received samples of Family Flora for review purposes. All opinions are my own.
The transition from stay at home mom to working mom has not been easy. I am still working on adjusting to this new schedule of mine. That’s not the only thing I am figuring out though. I am still working on being healthy. So now I am trying to keep my workout routine on point and mesh everything else together as well. That includes my immune system as well and working on keeping my energy level up. This is where Family Flora comes in. Keeping my energy up has been a problem even before I went back to work. I would find myself feeling tired quicker than usual and even feeling like I did not have enough sleep even after getting eight hours. So I have been going to bed earlier. I am also trying to eat more foods that give me energy. This is a hit or miss. Most of the time a miss. I was approached about two weeks ago about reviewing Family Flora. I took a moment and did some research on this product. Family Flora probiotics is a company that wants to help people balance their bodies. Probiotics is a microorganism that is introduced to the body that replaces bad bacteria with good bacteria. By doing this it will help boost your body’s immune system to fight illness, imbalance, and other health issues.
I have being trying Family Flora for a week and I can already feel a difference in my body. To take this it is real simple. You simply pour one pack into your favorite drink. I chose to pour mine into water. I was expecting it to taste chalky and leave an aftertaste but I was pleasantly surprised that neither of those things happened. There is no chalky taste. In fact it’s tasteless. Which means no aftertaste at all. I have been on the run a lot this week. I went to my first blogging conference. Don’t worry the recap is coming soon. But with all the ripping and running I was doing I needed an extra boost. Family Flora really helped. I was feeling amazing. I was also fighting to keep a cold away from me too. I needed to stay healthy. So I took some cold medicine and kept drinking Family Flora. I must say that the combination for a few days did wonders. By Wednesday I felt great. So I give Family Flora a huge thumbs up because it has helped me so much.
Family Flora can be found at Walgreen’s, Target, Amazon, and Jet. Head to your local store or online to pick some of this up. It is definitely worth it. I am only a week in. Each box gives you a thirty day supply. So I may be back with another update in a few weeks. If you pick it up I would love to hear your thoughts.
I regularly take probiotics and have found them very helpful to keeping a well balanced digestive system. I was interested in this Family Flora product because the powder packs offer a great alternative to the typical pill form. This product looks great. Thanks
I highly recommend you give it a try. It really helps.
I would love to know more about the product after a few weeks of using it. Can you supply that. How did you feel, were you sick?
I have a bit of a cold now. Usually my colds are worse so I am guessing it’s doing its job.