#NaBloPoMo: What is the one appliance you can’t live without?
The one appliance I can’t live without is my alarm clock. Weird choice right? I actually have a love/hate relationship with it. I hate it cause it wakes me up but at the same time I love it because it wakes me up. I have come to depend on this appliance a lot over the years. I am the person who wakes the house up so that we can all get our day started. Five days a week I get up and make sure everyone is up and ready to go. My alarm clock actually wakes me up twice because it has two alarms. Without it we would all just sleep the day away and nothing would ever get done. Well it would get done but not until much later in the day. I also see waking up to this alarm clock as a blessing to another day. Some people will not wake up and mute their alarm clock or get their day started. That is a blessing in it’s self.
What is the one appliance you can’t live without?
My iron. It’s a must for my business. Sad thing is that I nvr iron my own clothes.