Last Wednesday my Mom called me with some of the most shocking news. She told me that they had to put Pepper their cat of over 10 years down. I was truly shocked because we had just been down to their house visiting the weekend prior and had just seen Pepper as well. Turns out the poor cat had a tumor and the doctor didn't' think there was anything that could be done to save her without her being in constant pain so my parents made the decision :: Keep Reading ::
Meet Jojo The Kitten
For the last few weeks, Tyler and Nishe' have had their mindset that they want a pet. They have been animal lovers since the day they were born. We have had pets in the past but they didn't work out. For many different reasons. Some have been biters and others have torn up furniture. The last animal we had was a dog and he was a biter. I think this was because he wasn't getting the attention that he needed. Then it became that The Husband and I :: Keep Reading ::