My schedule has changed drastically over the past few weeks. I am still adjusting to it. I never knew getting back into the swing of working was going to be so hard. I am definitely trying to figure it out. One thing that has definitely been affected is my workout schedule and my eating habits. I have been struggling with my eating habits even before now but I am doing so even more now. :: Keep Reading ::
My Medifast Update
I received these products free from Medifast for review purposes. All opinions are my own. Three weeks ago I announced that I am now a Medifast blogger. So I feel like you all deserve an update. Since then I have been dedicating myself to trying the products that I received. Now I am going to be honest I was not consistent. There have been days that I have give into temptation and had other foods that I desired but I can say a majority of the :: Keep Reading ::
I’m A Medifast Blogger!
I receive free product in order to evaluate and comment on my experiences using Medifast products. Medifast products and the Medifast program are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness. My weight has been a problem for me for some years now. Many people would look at me and say "Girl! You are not fat!". That's the way they see me. Me on the other hand I think I have some things I need to work on. I have a bit :: Keep Reading ::
First Month of Working Out In 2016 Done
I am so absolutely proud of myself. I have completed a month of working out. Well technically twenty-seven days. three days I didn't work out. But it's no biggie everyone can take a break every once in a while. It only becomes a problem when you your breaks become longer and longer until you aren't working out at all. I actually had to convince myself that it was okay to not workout those days. I think I am just scared that if I take those days I :: Keep Reading ::
Why You Should Have A Workout Buddy
I have recently started walking with my neighbor. We were catching up with each other a couple of weeks ago because we hadn't seen each other in a long time. I started talking about how I had been struggling to stay active and working out. She said that she was having the same problem. I mentioned how sometimes I walk back and forth around our neighborhood but I was getting bored with it because I wanted to go further but I thought that it was :: Keep Reading ::