I have decided I am going to treat my blog more like a journal. I feel like this will help me to share more of myself with my audience without feeling like I am stuck in a box. I will still share some tips along the way if I have any. So lets get started.
Today started out pretty normal. I did my morning workout which I complain often that I never want to do. Well I complain to myself more than anyone else. This is more about how early I do it. I do my workout at 5:30am in the morning. I try to do it at least 3 days a week. My days are usually Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I skipped yesterday so I couldn’t bring myself to skip another day. If I did I would drive myself crazy beating myself up about it. I tend to do that when I don’t stick to my own routine. Especially since I am just now getting back into my routine after being lazy for a couple of weeks. I decided it was time to get back on it after I got chafe sores from my thighs rubbing together. Not fun trust me. After my workout I got dressed and fed the cats which is my new responsibility since both Nishe’ and Tyler are off to college. I managed to make it out the door by 7:15 and biked to work..

Things at work were going really well until one of the kids decided that charging their phone was more important than us having WI-FI so everyone could do their virtual learning. Let me tell you having to reconnect everyone back to the internet 15 times because of this wasn’t not thrilling for me at all. I had just figured out a routine that would have everyone logged in before their class times. I mean seriously this is not entertaining at all. I had to explain to teachers and some parents why the kids weren’t in class. However I made it though the day after filling out some incident reports explaining to the parents who didn’t know what happened. I really felt horrible that they missed their classes because of a simple mistake.
One new thing that I am doing is trying out therapy. I haven’t had a full session yet but my therapists and I have been messaging to get to know each other. I signed up through TalkSpace. Just from messaging with her I like her so far. I can’t wait to really dive in. I really want to figure out why I am the way I am. I have issues with self doubt, setting boundaries, and so much more. I am hoping that she can help me. I guess we will see.