A few weeks ago my nephew turned 14. He and Nishe’ are 6 months apart. It is amazing to see them grow. I remember when he was just a little baby. Oh the memories. Now he and Nishe’ are almost adults. Boy does time fly. Okay enough of this mushy stuff. On to the celebration. For his 14th birthday my brother and his wife set it up for my nephew to have a party at Malibu Grand Prix in Norcross. Nishe’ and Tyler were invited to attend. This was actually Tyler and Nishe’s first time going to Malibu that I can recall. I on the other hand have been multiple times. So it was great to see it through their eyes.
When we first got there we headed to the room where the party was held. I won’t share pics of in the room because I do not have the permission of the parents of the other children to share their pictures. They served cake, pizza, and soda. The person who hosted the party was great. He made sure my nephew had pizza, drink, and he even played games with the kids. Then we headed to the arcades. Once in there I totally lost my children. They were gone. Earning tickets and everything. I did find them and was able to snag a few pics.
When I found out that the party was going to be at Malibu Grand Prix I was really excited. I knew my kids would love it. Especially when they found out about the go-carts. I couldn’t wait to see them drive them. I hyped them up about the go-carts all week. I think as usual I was more excited than they were. But when we got there they were ready to go. The lines were super long though. It took them almost an hour to get their turn but they were ready to go when they got their turn. I got a little insight into their driving skills. Nishe’ is a little speed demon and Tyler likes to take his time but neither one of them crashed. Good thing I have 2 and 4 more years before either one of them are officially driving. The kids had a great time hanging with their cousin and of course they want to go back.

La La Land Mommy: A Birthday & Malibu Grand Prix (Nishe’ was so ready to go I couldn’t get her to turn around so all I got were her knees. )