A few weeks ago I did something I really do. I planned a date for The Husband and me. Usually, The Husband is the one who plans our dates. Let me be very upfront with you all, his date ideas are quite cozy and give a homely vibe. For instance, he would arrange for a candle night dinner inside our house. At times, we would watch movies as well. Other times, we would indulge in playing games together, be it Mario or NZ $10 Casinos. However, unlike his ideas which appear to be more introverted, my ideas are a bit extroverted. Recently he expressed that he would like me to do this planning thing more because they are fun. So that is something I’m working on. I have planned a few things but this was the biggest one for me cause it was out of state. When I came up with the idea I had to act quickly before I lost my nerve. So I booked it for the end of May. Which made me even more nervous. But let’s talk about it.
The date I chose for us to go on was a Riverboat cruise on the Southern Belle Riverboat. I have always wanted to do a cruise so I thought this sunset cruise would be a great start. Chattanooga is 2 hours away from our home. We hit the road after we got back home from our monthly group ride. I drove the entire time for the first time ever. I usually don’t even drive long distances. But this time I wanted to do some of the driving. The Husband just got to sit back and relax. We got there early. The plan was to spend the night so we dropped by our hotel and checked in. We changed our minds after we found out there was a $150.00 refundable fee that we weren’t told about prior to us booking. Apparently the fee is to guarantee that there is no smoking in the rooms. The Husband didn’t want to stay at this hotel. We paid the fee at first but after some discussion we decided not to stay. So we relaxed in the room for a few minutes then we went walking. While we were out walking I picked a place to eat. I settled on a restaurant called Firebirds Woodfire Grill. I had never eaten there before and I didn’t want to overthink like I usually do so I just picked it. Let me tell you the food was so good. I had a Durango burger and fries and The Husband had Firebirds’ chicken pasta. The waitress was so sweet. I really loved her energy. The food was so delicious. After eating we walked back to our hotel and rested until time to go back to the boat. After resting we checked out.

One thing I need to learn to do is check the parking for my destination. I didn’t know whether or not we had to pay for parking. Unfortunately we did. While trying to find a parking spot we missed the boat. It left the dock a little after 7. After missing the boat we went and spoke with the cashier we were given 3 options. 1. We could ride a smaller boat called Chattanooga Ducks. 2. We could get a voucher that lets us return anytime we chose. 3. We could ride the river boat cruise at 9 and we would have to pay a $10difference. . The Husband asked me what I wanted. I was frustrated so I was like we could come back and that I didn’t care. He knew I really wanted to do the cruise so he opted for the 9 o’clock show. Which turned out to be the better decision. While waiting we walked around and played some checkers. We boarded the boat around 8:45. What was awesome about this timing for the cruise was we were going to get a chance to catch the fireworks show. I didn’t know about that because I probably would’ve chose that instead of the sunset ride I originally chose. It was really fun riding around on the boat. Even though we had this woman and her husband trying to still our chairs. Apparently because we were standing we didn’t need our chairs. The woman tried several times to unsuccessfully take our chairs but she eventually gave up. I have no idea why she wanted our chairs so bad. She and her husband were the only ones sitting at their table. The husband and I were near the side of the boat with a great view. We aren’t the only ones near that side but she picked us. We didn’t let her distract us from our fun though. We thoroughly enjoyed the cruise. The view from the boat was absolutely amazing! The fireworks was so beautiful! We had a clear view from the water which is better than we would have gotten seeing it from the land. It was really fun and The Husband said he thoroughly enjoyed himself. The cruise lasted for 2 hours. Actually longer cause the fireworks didn’t start on time. We actually got to see two fireworks displays because there was some going off a little further down the river. It was a really amazing experience. After the riverboat ride we headed home. Although the experience didn’t go exactly how I planned it I really had a great time. The Husband say he had a great time as well. I’m glad we did it. I think I would actually do it again.

I really enjoyed planning this out and making sure everything was in place.it kind of gave me a rush. I especially loved that The Husband enjoyed himself too. I definitely think I will plan something else in the near future.