This past Tuesday I took my fifth Covid test. Why you might ask? This is because it was a precaution for our family. We recently found out a family member tested positive for Covid. While no one in our family had been around the person from the possible day the person was infected. We are told she had it for at least five days. That didn’t fit into the timeline of when anyone in our family last saw the family member. But the family decided it would be best that everyone was tested. So that’s what we all did. After all, if we get covid we may not be able to go and see a family doctor if we do catch covid for self-isolation reasons.
It is important for everyone to test themselves during this time, we all need to make sure that we are being as careful as possible and can fight through this. Laboratories are consistently conducting experiments using reliable scientific analysis and testing equipment to see what can come from this outbreak and how they can build on vaccinations and what that will do to the population. Cleaning is an essential part of this pandemic with businesses, clinics, hospitals, etc. bringing in advanced cleaning protocols using companies such as Golyath, including others, to provide much-needed products that can keep all areas safe and clear from potential infections. All of us should be taking a leaf out of their book.
I know you’re asking how am I on number five. Okay so at the beginning of my medical issues in order to get all the necessary things done to take care of it I had to take a test. That test came out positive. So of course that meant that I had to stay isolated for fourteen days which of course we did. Everyone in my household had to be tested again including family members outside of the home who were around me. I felt horrible because I had no symptoms. I had no idea I even had it. Now I did have what I thought was a cold the week prior. None of the listed signs of covid. So who would have guessed that’s what I had. The second test was to make sure that I was clear of the first one. That one came out negative. The third and fourth I took when I went to visit my doctor for my medical issues. Those came out negative too. The fifth one came out negative as well.
So now that everyone in my household is clear of covid now we are focusing on the family member. We have no idea how she got it but we are praying that she comes through it. She being elderly is of course high risk. All necessary precautions to protect her were taken. We are devastated. Of course with finding out someone you care about and love has it you want to know how. But the truth is she could have gotten it any where. She went to the doctor and was around other people. There is not one way to pinpoint what happened. We all just want her to get better.

I feel most sad for those close to her. I mean I am close to her but not as close as others. We can’t visit her and love her like we normally would because of course there are no visitors allowed. I am trying to be supportive but it’s hard when you don’t know exactly what to do. In my opinion, if we had looked for home care services sydney or in our area, they might have been able to take care of her in the right manner. This situation is so unique. So I am just trying to be as supportive as I can. I honestly wouldn’t wish this situation on anyone. This family member would give her last dime to just take care of about anyone. She was also big on family. She helped my family so much from babysitting to helping us out financially from time to time. She treated every child like they were her own and special. If she got a hand on your child I guarantee you they would be spoiled by the time they left. She just had a way with children. We didn’t get along all the time but I’m almost positive that she knew I loved her. I honestly have missed the person she used to be for about two years now. I miss so much about her. I miss her fiery spirit and just how much she cared for those close to her. I have to admit I did learn a great deal from her. She was also fun to talk to and a great listener. I smile whenever the person she used shows up. Those moments are far and in between but I enjoy them. I don’t really care about the moments when we argued. I just hope she gets better.
Ever since my experience with Covid I have been making sure I wear my mask. Now I do take it off for pictures but I make sure I wear it. It just isn’t worth the risk for me. I don’t want to get it again and I just don’t want to put others at risk. I felt so horrible knowing that I unknowingly might have given it to my kids, my husband, other family members, or anyone else I have been around. Trust me it is not a feeling you ever want to experience. You also don’t want to be in our position where you don’t know if a loved one will survive having it. Especially since you can’t visit them and see for yourself. I will say this while I didn’t get sick from the covid my experience did have some lasting effects on me. I am super cautious around people. I live in fear that I could get it again. I also am ashamed to admit I ever had it. I don’t want to be judged for having it. I get why people don’t want to admit it. However, I feel that sharing my experience will let people know that anyone can get it.
ngage with Worry. Take Action: Whether you are worried about contracting the virus, your struggling business, or being unemployed, the more your mind focuses on worst-case scenarios, the more anxious you feel. You can’t stop thoughts from entering your mind, but you can choose to stop dwelling and you can choose to take action to solve problems.