This week marked the end of the school year for the kids in my area. Now we are getting ready for summer. My kids have been done with school for about two weeks now. Being that it was the end of the school year. This week at work has been kind of busy. No homework meant we had to find creative ways to keep the kids busy. I must say my co-workers and I did a pretty good job. We decided the best thing to do was to divide and conquer the kids. It worked really well. I think this school year I have grown so much. I set up a couple of events for the kids. I even did one the last day of school. It was a pizza party and Ice cream. I think the kids really appreciated it. As we enter summer I’m getting the opportunity to plan some field trips. I’m excited yet nervous at the same time. I have been at my job for a few years now and this year is the first time I have been comfortable sharing my ideas with my bosses. I’m happy to say they are opened to hearing them.
As far as fitness wise I’m still working out on the treadmill. I was even able to fit in a trap cardio workout. I realized this week I’m falling back into old eating habits. I was eating both my lunch and my jobs food at the same time. So I made a conscious effort not to do that this week. I did pretty good. I ate the lunch at least twice. I also challenged myself to not eat after 7. I gave in ate late 3 times but I’m also proud of the 2 times I didn’t. So I’m totally going to try harder this week. I also want to squeeze in some strength training to start tightening up some areas. I again figured out how to do bubbles on my skates. I’m so excited. Can’t wait to move on to the next step when I master that. Next will be learning how to turn.

This week I also made a conscious effort to do a little more self care. I have been taking care of my face as much as I was suppose to. So I made sure to be consistent with that. I hope it continues cause my face feels amazing. I also made sure I made time to tread my latest book. I like this book so far so I’m making more of an effort.
This week I’m going to be focusing on figuring out my workout schedule cause this week I’ll be working mornings. I know I’m going to do something. But I need to have everything done in a timely fashion cause I have to get to work. I’m also going to use this schedulet to squeeze in some bonding time with The Husband.
I hope you all have an amazing week. I’m aiming to have an amazing one myself. I can’t wait to see what I have to share at the end of the week.