What are some of your fears? Some fears ay sound silly but they are your fears. I know some of mine sound crazy. Are you working on conquering them. Today Self Love Monday I am going to talk about two fears that I faced. I am going to celebrate my wins no matter how silly they may sound. I don’t even know why I fear the two things that I am afraid of. The first fear I face is the fear of rejection. About two weeks ago my cousin contacted me Facebook and told me an Uncle I hadn’t spoke to in years wanted to have Thanksgiving dinner at his home. Well immediately I got anxiety and I started worrying. This Uncle and I were pretty close when I was younger but as usually happens as you grow up we drifted apart and lost contact. You know life just sometimes gets in the way. My cousin gave me my Uncle’s number so I could call. Immediately my mind started to go into overdrive what if my uncle didn’t want to talk to me. What if he didn’t remember me? Just all sorts of things. For two weeks I worried. Finally this past Friday I put on my big girl underwear and I called my uncle. Once he answered the phone and we started to talk my fears melted away. He was so happy to hear from me. He actually was thrilled to hear about me and my life and my family. He wants to meet my kids and my husband. He said it bothered him that he doesn’t have the numbers of his nieces and nephews. He only had about five of our numbers. Mine made six. We had a great conversation and I plan to speak with my uncle again soon.
The next fear I faced was driving on the expressway. Okay let me explain. I have driven on the expressway before. In fact I have done it many times. I just hate being on it. Especially when I have no idea where I am going. I have to drive places a few times before I get used to it. Friday I drove down to get my daughter from school for the first time alone. Her school is about an hour from my husband’s job. So I woke up early that morning and went up to his job with him. I left to pick her up about two hours later. It took me an hour to get there. I just followed the GPS. I don’t know what I was afraid of. I think I just don’t like the unknown. I am always nervous when I drive somewhere for the first time because I hate getting lost. I went and picked her up and came back. It was a fun trip. We talked and laughed the entire way back. Once I shut down my mind going crazy and just drove it got much easier.
I now realize that most of the stuff I’m afraid of are things that I have created in my head. Once I am able to set all of that aside things are easier to do. I am glad that I faced both of those fears.
What is a fear that you faced recently? What is something you are patting your self on the back for?
Great post. I am patting myself on the back for being clear and communicating my boundaries with my Mom. I no longer fear about saying the ‘wrong’ thing to her.
That is amazing. I am still working on setting boundaries with the people close to me. It is so hard.
Yes, the stuff we fear and make a big deal over is usually all in our heads. I’ll admit, I’m the same way. I have try to be more cognizant of that next year. You could be missing out on a lifetime opportunity just by being worried over something…
I am definitely realizing that. I don’t want to miss out on anything meant for me. You never know what someone can bring into your life if you don’t get out of your comfort zone.
I rarely talk to my moms siblings because I didn’t grow up creating or fostering a relationship with them. I could call but I don’t, they were always nice but just like you I’m afraid to disrupt my norm.
I just have a hard time believing I’m not interrupting other people’s lives or bothering them. Plus I figure if I make up a good story then I won’t have to move out of my comfort zone.
My recent fear was moving out of my townhouse and having a home built. I felt the same way 9+ years ago when we purchased the townhouse. It’s such a huge investment and I don’t trust the numbers that say we will be fine. We will and we are but the stress was at an all time high.
I can definitely understand that. That is a huge purchase. I would be scared too.
I think one of the fears I constantly wrestle with is just regarding my money mindset. But I am taking steps to rewrite my
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Spending money is definitely hard for me. I want to have some left over so I find it hard to spend more on myself.
Facing our fears is so important to move forward in life! Glad you mustered up the courage to call your uncle, I’m sure it meant a lot to him!
He definitely appreciated it. He was happy to hear from me. I wish I had done it sooner.
It’s so wonderful that you not only identified your fears but that you were intentional about conquering them. A great lesson for everyone.
I definitely am. It stinks being stuck. I am ready to move forward.
Great job! Congratulations on your new found freedom. I’m terrified of heights at only 5 feet most don’t understand my fear but it’s real to me.
I can totally understand that. When it’s not them going through it people have a hard time understanding other people’s struggles.
I’m not sure what Self Love is. I’m just happy usually. I don’t let ppl bother me. They have nothing to do with my life.
Self love is just showing some love to yourself for your own accomplishments. I am getting to the point where I don’t let people bother me either.