This weekend The Husband and I headed to Carrolton to spend the day with our oldest child Nishe’ at University’s of West Georgia. She invited us to come down and take part in the family day event that was being held at her school. I was super excited cause I had never done this type of event before. The fact that she wanted us to come is even more exciting. Our daughter is always glad to see us whenever we come and visit don’t get me wrong but we have never been invited to an event for her college. I was over the moon. It is just nice to know that your kid wants you around. I also couldn’t wait to see what the event was all about.

Saturday morning we got up early and headed down to the campus. We got there a little before the event started. We met Nishe’ in the parking lot and then headed over to the event. It was located in her school’s coliseum. They had a number of things to do. Like there was a punching game, there were balloon animals, there was face painting, you could get a caricature made of your family, take a picture with your family and get it out on a mug, and sip and paint. We were only interested in three of the options. We went and got the pictures on a mug, we did the caricatures, and then did we painting. We all had so much fun. Nishe’ was just happy to have us there and we were happy to spend time with her. It was really fun. Afterwards we went and had lunch. I think my favorite part of the whole thing besides spending time with my daughter was meeting Wolfie. He was so funny and had me cracking up. I am glad that I was able to get a picture with him. It was really nice to spend time with my daughter in her world. We were able to talk and just have fun. I also finally got my University of West Georgia shirt.

Since I have stepped back and stopped always giving her advice I feel like Nishe’ is thriving more. She is also opening up to me a little more. I am guessing she no longer feels as if I am going to judge her. So I am appreciating being invited into her world more. I am seeing things through her eyes with no judgement. It is amazing how much more you enjoy your love ones when you stop judging them and allow them to be who they are and figure things out for themselves. It was such a joy. I still give her advice but only after asking her if she is okay with it or when she asks. I am just really liking the direction our relationship is going. I just really enjoyed her.