This is not a paid review. I liked this movie so I thought I would share my own review of it.
Last weekend I had the opportunity to sit down and watch Kevin Hart’s new movie Fatherhood. I knew I wanted to see this movie because I am a fan of Kevin Hart. I also wanted to see it because this is one of the few movies where Kevin Hart’s comedic talents is not the forefront of the movie. It is refreshing to me to see actors/actresses play roles that aren’t their usual role. Yes he is a very funny man but I just wanted to see him in something different. Plus the plot just really stood out to me. It was very positive and different from most movies where the focus is on a black father.
Fatherhood is about a single father named Matt who is raising his daughter Maddy after the unexpected death of his wife. He of course faced some challenges with people like his mother-in-law doubting that he would be able to raise his child and dating. Plus honoring the memory of his wife. He also has the typical parenting troubles. You know making the best decisions for her like finding the right school for her and just being there for her. Plus finding a good work/life balance. Plus still dealing with his feelings about his wife’s death.

I must say this is one of Kevin Hart’s best movies. There were so many things that I liked about this movie. Although it’s a drama there was still some comedy in it. In fact I think it was just the right amount. I liked that although he had some struggles like doing his daughter’s hair he wasn’t made to seem like he was just oblivious to how to raise a child. I have so many favorite moments from this movie like when he went to a mom’s group to ask for help. I liked that he had a support system with his friends. I loved the father/daughter relationship between Matt and Maddie. I also like that when Matt started dating how he didn’t have to date multiple women and that Maddie didn’t act like a brat like they have most young kids do in movies. This movie was just great that I can watch it over and over again. I just appreciate everything about this movie. It was really adorable. My most favorite thing was seeing a strong black father on screen. He didn’t walk away from his child. He wasn’t on drugs or doing anything illegal. They showed a black man in a positive light. He just warmed my soul all around to see this. I think this movie came at the right time.
If you want to see Fatherhood head over to Netflix. I hope you love it as much as I do.