I found a job ya’ll! I am so freaking excited! What makes all this even better is that it’s something that I love. I get to work with kids again. I have always enjoyed working with kids. I actually worked at three daycare centers prior to now. The last one being in 2007. It had been so long since I worked that I just never thought I would work in the field ever again. I was applying to jobs that I just never really cared for like grocery stores and fast food. You all remember the post I made about a month ago called Lessons Learned From A Bad Day. If not read it here. I’m going to be honest after that day I thought I would never find another job. I actually never even attempted to return to that job. I just knew it wasn’t worth it. That job just wasn’t for me. I knew it was risky but I just couldn’t. Honestly I felt not going back was the best decision I ever made and I knew that whatever god had in store for me that place wasn’t it. So I went back to applying for jobs and being mom. Two weeks ago my niece called me out of the blue and asked me if I wanted a job. I told her yes. She told me that this afterschool program that she worked for was hiring. I listened and asked her some questions like would they be willing to work with me as far as my blogging went, my hours, and what exactly I would be doing. She answered all my questions. Then she told me that the owner would only be there from 11a.m.-1p.m. Instead of procrastinating like I usually do I got my butt up and walked up there since it was close by. I did the interview and that Wednesday I got the call that I got the job. I had my first week last week. I had some adjustments to make like getting used to the schedule and everything but I am so happy. I’m glad that these people are making use of a Standard Operating Procedure so that I’m not confused about my daily duties. I knew there was a plan for me and it all worked out. The job is everything I am looking for. I can really see myself staying here and continuing with my pursuit of writing for my blog.
This all goes to prove that sometimes some things just aren’t meant for you. That whatever is meant for you will come in time. It also proves that sometimes in order to get where you are going you have to walk away from other things. Yes the job I had before would’ve helped my family financially but I wouldn’t have been happy there at all. It would’ve been good for our pockets but probably wouldn’t have been good in any other way. I am doing something that I have always oved doing.
Congrats! Great read
Aww I feel sorry for you. My man takes care of me & bus Mr whatever I want. You need to dump his sorry ass and move to a great guy likes me. Nobody will ever make me get a job.
Ha ha ha! Sounds like you really love your man.