For most families across the country schools are closing for summer vacation. They have big plans for the summer such as vacations and other fun activities. I know I want my kids to enjoy their summer vacation but I also want them to remember some of the things that they learn. So usually during the summer they work out of workbooks or at online websites. Did you know kids tend to forget about 2 months of learning during the two months they are out of school for summer vacation? Well Educent is here to help you out. They have provided some great free educational printables to help you keep your kids’ mind active during summer vacation.
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Kindergarten Letter Assessment
These printables are sure to help your little one to retain some of what they learn. What’s best about it is there is no rush to complete these worksheets. So you can take all the time you need.
Do your kids do work over the summer or do you just let them have fun?