Not a sponsored post sharing a service that I experienced.
Recently I was introduced to the grocery service Full Cart. Up until recently I had never heard of this. I was surprised when about 2 weeks ago when a box was delivered to my home. I opened it up and it was full to the brim with food. Someone who knew me very well had graciously did some of my grocery shopping. It had some of the things that my family and I enjoy in it. I have found out who it is since it showed up. I was shocked when I was told that everything I got was $5. So I headed over to the site myself.
On the site you can find affordable meal boxes. What you do is you choose a box size. Like for example a custom box is $22.99. In this box you can choose 30 lunch/dinner servings, 22 side dish servings, 5 breakfast servings, 8 snack servings, and 3 fresh produce items. Once you choose the items that you want you head to check out. You pay for your order and you’re done. I couldn’t believe how easy it all was. Each item that you choose you can find a recipe for it on the site. The directions are really easy to follow.

Some of the items I got was beef stroganoff, jambalaya pasta bites, Italian veggie pasta, pinto beans, chicken noodle soup, rice, oatmeal, and fruit snacks. The first item I tried was the beef stroganoff. It was so good. It was also quick to cook. It wound up being a hit with my kids. You can either it as is or add some veggies to it to take it up a notch. I also made Italian sausage alfredo with the Italian veggie pasta. I am going to share the recipe on the blog but my kids loved that as well. It lasted about an hour. My son said that I need to make it again. I see this recipe as something that might become a staple but not too much. We still have so many other things in the box to try. I can’t wait to try them. This is really an example of how much we got in one box. We haven’t finished using everything yet. So it is definitely worth the price.

Full Cart is definitely worth the money you spend. You get so much and it really cuts down on your grocery bill. You can save a bunch of money shopping this way. Plus it helps mix up your meals. I just really enjoyed the entire experience. I can’t wait to order something on my own.