If any of you have kept up with my blog and social media, you know that I’ve had some recent issues. If not you can catch up here. Lets just say life has been kind of hard. Due to everything that I was dealing with I had to stop a number of activities that I loved to do. For awhile there was no walking, no bike riding, or even exercising because I had to recuperate from what was happening. Now I am on the mend and am starting to be able to get into my activities again. Well in today’s post I am here to tell you about the best weekend I’ve had in a while since October.

It all started October 12th when The Husband surprised us with a trip to Providence Canyon. Providence Canyon (Also known as Little Grand Canyon) is located Lumpkin County, Ga. That’s about Two and a half hours from our home. There are six canyons and a seven mile trail that you can walk. We saw the six canyons and we walked part of the seven mile trail before turning around. This was special to us because it had been some years since we went on a hike and we got to enjoy the moment with our kids who are home from school. The views were absolutely amazing and we got some great pictures. Now because of covid we did wear masks. But fortunately for us it really wasn’t crowded because we came so early. This was the first outing where we didn’t have to worry about me not being able to do it for one reason or another. What made this day even better was I met my step goal of 7,000 by walking a total of 8,514 steps. I haven’t done in so long. It felt good to meet it. We all had an amazing time. You really learn to appreciate moments like this more when you aren’t able to do them.

Yesterday The Husband and I got up and decided to go walking. This has become a sort of ritual for us. We started doing this before things got hectic. It is something we love to do together. Once we got dressed we headed out. The Husband chose the path we walked between two different parks who were a couple of miles from each other. We did a few loops which totaled up to 4 miles. I was so proud of us both because it had been weeks since we both had walked that far. My legs were a little stiff afterwards but that little pain was worth it to feel some type of normalcy. After that we went home and rested. After resting for awhile the family headed to Stone Mountain Christmas at Stone Mountain Park. We did some of the activities there like play mini golf, caught the Polar Express 4D Experience, and rode the Skyride. By this time my legs were killing me so we called it an early day. I find that I enjoy this event more at night. They also did great with social distancing. Everyone had to wear masks. They still at their live performance. Wish I am really sorry I missed. I do hope to catch it next year. But at the end of my full day I found out that I had a total of 16,667 steps. I am so proud that I was able to do this and do things that were fun while doing it.

I really am happy to be getting back to all my activities. I think next up will be bike riding. I really miss my bike. I am going to take things slow but I really can’t wait. Getting back to my normal routine is really important to me. So I can’t wait to get there.
One of the main themes of this blog is metacognition – thinking about thinking. This is a critically important topic because much of our thinking is subconscious, or it is not explicit.