Okay this weekend was so much fun. Even more fun because I actually planned the events. I am better at this planning thing than I actually thought. I think before I was just scared that things just wouldn’t actually work out because I have had some things fall through. But now I am realizing that things aren’t as scary as I think and that I can really find some fun things for The Husband and I to do. Especially when the things are experiences like we had this past weekend.

Saturday we took part in another group bike ride with the group Red Bike Green. We did approximately a 10 mile bike ride with the group this time. However we decided to arrive a little different. Because our usual goal on the weekend is to get 20 miles usually we go on another bike ride after the first one. But then I came up with the idea that we could park a few miles away and actually ride to the location. We decided to park at a near by grocery store which was about five miles away from the meet up location for the group ride. The group ride was still in downtown Atlanta but we went a different way. The way we went we ended up at the Atlanta Life Insurance Co. building where we were able to see the work of African American artists. I loved seeing this work because all the artists are very talented. Then we went into Refuge Coffee another black owned business who help refugees and the African American community alike. What I like about riding with Red Bike Green is I always leave the ride learning something.

The highlight of my weekend though was when we went to a glassblowing class at Decatur Glassblowing. I have always thought glassblowing was such a cool art. I commend the people for being in that hot space and being so talented. We happened to ride by it one day and I was like hey I would love for us to do that. The Husband was on board so I went ahead and set up the class. It wasn’t expensive at all. It was $68 per person and it’s a two hour class. We pulled up and were greeted when we walked in. We had to sign two forms one confirming we had no symptoms of covid and we also signed a form releasing them of any liability of us being harmed. When we went in there was one other pair. I believe they were mother and daughter. Because of this the class was not exactly two hours. It was maybe forty-five minutes. The instructor went through each step and physically showed us everything we would be doing.We were making pumpkins in this class. I really liked how thorough she was. The instructions lasted about 10 minutes maybe less. Then each pair was given an instructor. Our instructor was really nice. He really helped me out. For example I am so right handed when I had to twist the bar at one point and shape my pumpkin I needed help. Plus he didn’t lose it when he had to keep reminding me to only use my left hand. I would forget because my right hand is my dominant hand so I would try to use that to twist the bar and then touch the hot part of the bar. I thought it was a great experience to make my own work of art. I knew it was a lot of work to create but I had so much fun. The Husband asked how they kept glass liquid and our instructor told us that they continuously scoop glass into the ovens and keep the ovens going 24/7. It was so hot in that place and that explains why. Overall we had so much fun. We still have to go by and pick up our masterpieces. It takes two days for the glass to cool and we have up to 60 days to pick it up.

So this weekend it was such a blast. I love the experiences that The Husband and I are creating together. We already told the kids that we would go back so they can have the experience too when we get the chance. If we go somewhere that we think they will enjoy we always go back so that we can experience it together as a family. Both of them have already expressed interest. I can’t wait to see what we do next.