It is Grateful Friday again. It is time for me to share another thing that I am grateful for. I am greatly benefiting from this post. It has changed my out look on so many things. As I remember what I am grateful for I am motivated to keep going with the things that I’ve been doing and to try new things. I am seeing myself in a new light.The other day I was sitting and thinking about how I am came to be who I am. My journey has definitely been an interesting one. I thought about all the decisions I have made. There are some things that I wish I had done differently. However I am realizing that the decisions that I made have made me the woman I am. Some things didn’t work out the way that I wanted them to. There are a few things that I kind of regret. I wish I could get do overs on some of them. But being young and dumb you are suppose to make mistakes. However because I was so young any decisions that I made could affect my family. I sometimes beat myself up for not doing something I should have done when I was younger or something I could have done differently. I am learning to accept my past decisions and the lessons that I have learned from them. Cause without them I wouldn’t be who I am. Yes I wish that I would’ve went to college sooner. I keep thinking I would probably be a teacher in the school system by now if I had. But I am a firm believer that there is already a plan. So my path to getting the job that I love took me a little longer but I am now where I think I am meant to be. So I am grateful for all my trials. The many times that I failed, the hurts, the happy moments, the sad moments, the people who have come in my life, and the people who are left. I had to learn to accept that I couldn’t change the past and take the lessons I learned into my present. I have come to learn to love my journey. You have to embrace your hard times and your great times. So I have now learned to embrace my journey. I am basically just glad for the person I have become through my journey. I don’t look back at my past with regrets. I just embrace everything that I have learned. I am looking forward and planning to enjoy the ride that is to come.
What are you grateful for this Friday? I would love to hear about it.