Happy Friday! We have survived another week. Isn’t an absolute blessing to wake up this Friday morning and know that you survived the struggles of the week. I mean I know there is one more day to survive but you are basically there. I am just happy to wake up a celebrate this week. I am just grateful. As you know Fridays on the blog means it’s Grateful Friday! Feel free to do what I am doing and sharing what you are grateful for. This week it has been raining off and on. I definitely appreciate the rain cause lawd knows we can use it. It can be pretty dry here in Georgia. So I am glad for the rain. I am also grateful for the fact that I saw a rainbow not once but twice. I can count on my fingers how many times in my life that I’ve actually seen one in the sky. So whenever I see one I see it as a blessing. Rainbows always reminds me that through all your tough times that there is something beautiful in the end. Sometimes we all need a reminder that things get tough at times but in the end there is something great waiting for us. Now we won’t always see the great things when we want to see them but if we stay the course we will see our rewards. The thing is we have to put in the work and prepare for it. Cause I fully believe that until you are prepared for it you won’t see your greatness. Through all that rain those rainbows were able to shine through. Well it wasn’t a bunch of rain but it was enough to see a rainbow. It made me feel good about myself. It also made me write this post, think about the good I have coming my way, it made me smile, and I am grateful for that.
What are you grateful for this Friday? Was there something that made you smile?