The other day I was having a conversation with a friend via Facebook messenger. I was telling her how I feel like I can never get anything done because of how I am. I literally feel like pulling my hair out by the time my husband gets home. It isn’t my kids. It is my time management skills. I really suck at managing my time and on top of that I’m a major procrastinator. Things I know that I need to get done I will put off until later. Then add in my inability to manage time and you have a really messed up combination.
For as long as I can remember I have sucked at time management. I don’t know why but I’ve always waited until the last minute to do everything. Which in school didn’t always reveal my best work because it was rushed. So it definitely affected my grades in school. Now I see it beginning to affect my home life. Being a stay at home mom I feel like it gives me time to be a loose with my schedule. But sometimes a little loose becomes too loose and before I know it I am rushing around trying to get everything done before The Husband gets home. I like for him to come home to a clean house. But in 15 years of marriage he can tell that I wait until the last minute to do things. I also think my kids are mirroring me because they have been known to wait until the last minute to do school projects and things.
I mostly clean the house, get rid of all the garbage, look for skip hire sydney services, and dump everything at the end date. Nonetheless, he is always pleased to see me doing things on my own.
However, I realize that by rushing and trying to get everything done it causes me a lot of stress because I have so much on my plate at that time. Then 9 times out of 10 I don’t get everything done. So my goal is to get better. It’s no wonder that some people decide that it’s time to try something new in the hope of relieving stress effectively. I’m beginning to realize the benefits of focussing on yourself and making sure you have everything in order and having more time for yourself. Because I’m constantly rushing and trying to finish things last minute, I’m always stressed and it’s taking a toll on my back. I would love more time to focus on myself, buy a back massager to ease my pains from rushing about, and just let myself breathe for a while.
My friend in messenger told me that cbd products are becoming very popular, which makes sense with it being as easy as checking out sites such as Every Day Optimal CBD. This may be something worth looking into for my readers, especially if stress is playing a major part in daily life.
I know I need to start making a schedule. Cause the only time I seem to get anything done is when I know I have something to do or I want to do something. So I think I am going to write down a schedule for myself so that I can get more done. I just want to be more productive in my day and set a better example for my children. I’m pretty sure everything can get done in a timely fashion if I just apply myself. I also have a habit of getting motivated and then sitting down and not getting back to what I have to do. So here is the way I’m going to figure out my schedule
Step 1: Every day I’m going to figure out everything that I need to do.
Step 2: I am going to decide which ones are most important.
Step 3: I’ll determine a realistic time length for each activity on my list.
Step 4: I will write down my schedule.
What helps you to manage your time? I would love some tips.
Step 5: Post it to where I can look at it and motivate myself to keep going.
I find that I have a similar problem. I like your idea of a list, the only problem is that if I wrote said list I would look at that as something positive done and so reward myself with a cup of tea and a sit down for an hour or so :0S
Ha ha ha! I can see me doing that too. I’ve been doing pretty good. I have to convince myself not to sit down when I should be doing something.