I have days where I am just ready to get up and get my day started. As a matter of fact I had that feeling just this morning. I didn’t want to do anything. Anything I wanted to do just didn’t feel right. Usually those days are the days I have something exciting planned. It is almost guaranteed that it is going to be a great day. I mean no one can actually determine how their day is going to turn out. But having good things to look forward to makes the day more positive. I love being able to just get up and get started. I know there are things that will make my day just phenomenal.
I also have days just like anybody else where I would rather just stay in bed. For whatever reason I just can’t get started. It just feels like the day is bad. I don’t know if it’s because I didn’t get good sleep the night before or I didn’t read my bible verse like I normally do. It just feels like something is just off. I really hate those days. I mean I want to get up I need to get up but I just can’t. It might be because of the bedroom environment that I have trouble getting a good night’s sleep. I might need a comfortable mattress, an air conditioning system (installed by Surner Heat or any other firm), and blackout curtains. Such things often play a significant role in creating a nice bedroom ambiance for good sleep. Also, when I have these days, I usually spend an extra few minutes in bed, and then I get up. Sometimes I know it’s because I am waking up with a negative attitude that is gonna make my day bad. Usually, a bad day means I am going to share because I usually take my attitude out on my family. Mainly because I feel bad for not feeling my day. Sometimes I feel I just need to go back to bed and start over. I have received advice from many about cannabis products and their helpfulness in anxiety and stress relief, but I am yet to delve into the various usages of edibles and CBD oil UK to start using them.
However, I do have a few things that help me make my day better.
- I know things might be better tomorrow.
- I read a book.
- Take a nice shower.
- Go for a walk.
- Cuddle with my husband
- Take a nap or lay down.
- Think about all the positive things that have happened in my life.
- Read my bible.
- Eat some candy
- Just talk to someone.
- Write in my journal
I also remind myself that everyone has a bad day sometimes. It is okay to not feel the day. As long as you try to make it better and remember there is always tomorrow. My biggest thing to remember is that it isn’t my family’s fault that I am having a bad day. Well sometimes it isn’t cause something as little as an argument can make your day go left. My thing is everyone usually expects us to have it together when they themselves don’t have it together. It is okay to not have it all together sometimes we need to breakdown to start over and fix what’s wrong. Maybe losing it is what we need to do to pick ourselves back up. It’s okay to even go back to bed and not do anything. Cause that is what we need. Every once a while you are just reminded to take a minute.