I am officially throwing in the towel. I am done trying to convince my kids to do things that I think is best for them. I am going to step back and just watch and help out when they ask. Because they have to learn to do what they think they need to do.
This is a hard lesson for me to learn but I have to stop coddling them. Not that they ever asked me to. They have showing me signs that it’s time to back off for awhile but I refuse to. I am that person always trying to save them and they can’t always be saved. I have to take that net away and only pull it out when they ask for it.
There have been things that we have been dealing with in the recent weeks. I shared one being the whole Fafsa situation. Read all about it here. Maybe it’s us both being frustrated but I want my child to handle it one way but she wants to handle it another. There is probably nothing wrong with her way but I of course think I have a better way of doing it. I don’t even know if her way will work because I honestly having even given it a chance. I think I’m just scared that if it doesn’t work all her hard work will go down the drain. But it’s time that I let her do things her way and stop putting her way down cause it might just be what’s best for her. Let’s be honest it’s not like she can’t go back to school at all but it will be delayed. However I have to trust her and she has to trust herself.
What it all boils down to is this is not my situation to handle. It’s hers and she has to handle it the way she sees fit. Just like I want my son to go back to band but he’s just not interested. I want what’s best for my kids but I also have to realize that what I want may not be best for them. They also need time to figure things out on their own. Which they won’t be able to do if I am always coming to their rescue. So I am going to step back and let them figure things out for themselves and just give them support.
It’s so hard to let go and step back when you have been helping them solve problems all their lives. You continuously just want to fix it. But at some point you have to let them come to you and let them figure it out on their own.