I am beginning to realize that sometimes certain relationships can be energy suckers. You put all this effort into a relationship and nothing seems to improve. This could be a friendship, business, or anything. They become energy suckers because you are so focused on making them happy that you aren’t focused on anything else. You are giving them your time, your energy, and everything else you have. Now that doesn’t mean the relationship is a bad one but if you are so wrapped up in making that person happy you are dropping the ball in other areas of your life. That could even be not focusing on yourself.
There are ways to identify if a relationship is an energy sucker. For example do you drop everything when the person calls and asks you to do something? Even when you are working for something for yourself. Do you make decisions based on how it will affect them? Have you not done something because you didn’t want to anger said person?
Your relationships are important. However a relationship doesn’t always have to be based on one person. As important as they are you have to remember to set boundaries in your relationships to where you are being taken advantage of or forgetting about who you are as a person. Without boundaries you are given up so much of yourself. You may not even realize you are doing it. You just think that you are taking care of the ones that you love and then you blink. If the person in the relationship really cares about you they will make sure that you are focusing on you as well.
The important thing about realizing this is that I now know that I need to work to change my focus. Because it affects me emotionally and mentally. There are steps that I am going to take to not only improve my relationship but improve my relationship with myself. It is possible to do both at the same time. People will only respect you when you respect yourself. I have decided that I am no longer going to allow my energy to be sucked because I am worth so much more. The changes I am going to make will let me know who is true and who isn’t.
This is true! I let go of most of my energy suckers already, or they let go of me for not giving them my energy. 2018 is about to be great!
Eva recently posted…Your Guide to Hosting the Ultimate Family Vision Board Party
I am working on still letting some of mine go. It can be hard.
I agree with this. We should all let go of those that suck out our great energy. It can happen for a ton of reasons but none are good enough for their behavior.
Exactly. The longer we let it go on the worse it gets.
Yes, yes, and yes! Releasing that negative energy is so freeing and so necessary! Take care of yourself and protect your energy.
Crystal Nicole recently posted…2 Words That Will Change Your Life
Only you can protect yourself. That is what I am learning.
Such a good reminder. Sometimes it’s hard to realize that even though a relationship may not exactly be toxic, it still may not be good for you.
Terri recently posted…That No Spend Challenge Could Actually Be Hurting You
This is definitely true. It’s best to end it before it gets there.
This is so true. About 2 years ago I started doing monthly cleanses of negative energy in my life. Regardless of if it was a person, a thing, or whatever. If it brings me toxic energy it has to go.
I think that is an amazing thing to do. I might try this.
I completely agree! Over the years I have learned to distance myself from people who drain my energy. It’s a real lifesaver.
It really helps when you put your foot down.
Yeah I think I have done a pretty good job at getting rid of most of these relationships in my life. I realized when I needed the person they weren’t there so that was my clue to get it out my life!
Yeah it has always been hard for me to speak up for myself. Even now I am still working on it. Especially with people close to me.
I’ve learned over the years, that I teach people how to treat me. It is my responsibility to present the standard and the. except nothing less.
Mimi Green recently posted…Oprah Told Me To Conquer The World And Speak My Truth
That is so very true. My biggest fear is to hurt people but I have to get over it for my own well being.
Oh this is spot on girl. I have always done this. I am a firm believer in protecting my peace, space and time.
I am still working on it.
Some relationships (romantic or friendships) simply are not meant to last forever. I had to let go of two people in particular that I thought I’d miss, but I don’t and I feel so much lighter and free! I’m an empath and that energy is REAL.
Courtney CJ recently posted…Where I’ve Been and What I Learned While On Hiatus
I so agree with you. Holding on to them really does nothing for you.