Today God sent me an unexpected message. The message was life is too short to stay angry or hold a grudge. The Husband and I have been married for 15 years and while we love each other sometimes when we have disagreements I tend to lose sight of what is important because I am to stubborn to let go and move on. Yesterday and this morning was one of those days. We had, had a disagreement last night and I woke up this morning still brooding over it. Oh yeah I did my routine and everything I normally do but I still was not happy about the situation. It’s interesting how long you can stay angry at someone after an argument. I don’t really consider myself one to hold a grudge but I can hold on to things for awhile. I think what was bothering me was that we really hadn’t settled the issue. I like for us to talk things out so that we can move forward. I hate when things just don’t seem settled.
After The Husband left to drop Nishe’ & Tyler off at school and then make his way to work. I was still brooding. So I decided that to calm my nerves I’ll take my morning walk. I put on my clothes and set off to get in a better mood. I had just gotten down to the end of the street I normally walk on when I decided to just go back to the house. I turned around and started to make my way back home. As I was walking my neighbor pulled up next to me and asked me if I wanted a ride and I said sure. Now let me stop here and give you a little back ground before I finished my story. This neighbor’s sister used to live across the street from me. She lived there with her husband, son, step daughter, and grandson. At first the sister and I didn’t speak because she was usually going one way I was going another. Then one day she pulled up next to the kids and I as we were walking up to school and offered us a ride. After that we became friends. Well I considered us to be friends. When ever she saw us and she could she would offer us a ride and then we would chat. This went on for a few years. About 2 years ago she and her family moved and we lost contact. Her sister stayed in the neighborhood though. We have spoken on occasion but just like hi and bye nothing more really. So when she delivered the news she delivered I was shocked. So we were riding and about a minute later she goes “My sister’s husband passed away”. I wasn’t sure I heard her right so I said “What?” She repeated what she said the first time. I was just stunned. I asked her what happened and she told me that he had cancer that rapidly moved through his body. They tried chemo therapy but it didn’t work so they stopped. Then he went down hill rapidly from there. She told me that he died about a week ago. I was so shocked and immediately felt so bad for my friend. What makes the situation even sadder is that he had gone to multiple doctors and no one could tell him what was wrong until it was too late. I told her to send my friend my blessings. She and her family had moved to Kentucky.
I share this story to say. I felt absolutely horrible. Here I am angry with my husband over something that was basically silly. I mean in the moment it felt important but when I put my problem next to my friends’ nothing compares. She is now a single mother and she no longer has her husband to argue with. Her other half is gone. My husband is still here and I at least have him here to argue with. I pray he makes it home safely from work so that I can give him a humongous hug because life can be gone in an instant. You just never know. I know my friend wishes her husband could be there laying next to her or help her with her son. I need to appreciate having my husband. If he were to be taken away from me today I don’t want my last thoughts to be of the argument we had the day before. I want to have positive thoughts of him and remember the great times. I am going to work on not being angry for so long and enjoy my husband more. Cause I never know how long we will have together.
The older (and wiser, I hope) I get the more I realize how silly it is to stay angry. Of course, we’ve all been there! But you are right, life is too short to get upset over little things, especially when you weigh it against the big thing that happened in your former neighbor’s life. So sorry for her loss.
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