This weekend my family and I attended the Monster Energy AMA Supercross for the first time ever. This was also our first visit to the Georgia Dome. I was so excited to go because I had never been to an event such as this before. I had seen Supercross on TV from time to time but never live. I have to tell you I was scared that my family wouldn’t enjoy it though. That fear didn’t last long though.

La La Land Mommy: Monster Energy AMA Supercross (Tyler isn’t giving the middle finger. He was scratching his nose)
We got in our seats just as the announcer was introducing drivers. Each driver came out and rode around the track to their own intro music. It was really fun to see them come out. Then the races began. There were I believe at least six different races. We were totally in ah. Seeing the drivers go up in the air when they hit some of the hills was really awesome. Then we oohed in shock when some of the drivers took a tumble. One guy literally went over a wall. It was really exciting. They even had a race for younger drivers. I thought it all was so much fun. The Husband said he had a great time and so did the kids. We really didn’t know what to expect but we knew we really wanted to have fun and we did. We were not disappointed at all. Only time I was disappointed was when I found out we had pit passes. Wish I had known about them. I think my kids would have gotten kick out of being able to go to the pit. I can definitely see us going to another one of these events in the future.
I love introducing my kids to new things. This was definitely new and exciting. I hope to introduce them to many more new things. This weekend was not the last time to see Monster Energy AMA Supercross. They have another show this weekend February 28th . Totally worth going to see.
That sounds like such a good show. I should look and see if it’s coming to the Boston area. My boys would love that.
I love super cross! It’s so much fun to watch. Sometimes I have to cover my eyes, though. They jump so high!
I bet your boys had a blast. My grandsons would love that! Was it really loud?
Oh my gosh, how fun. I bet the kids would love to attend but we don’t have that around here. I’d love it too.
Ohhhhhh, I am really wanting to take my son to one of these! He would love it, he talks about monster trucks nonstop. Thanks for sharing!
That looks like a lot of fun!! Super cool!
Sounds like everyone had a great time. I know my children would love to go to something like this. Definitely something fun for all!
This is exactly my kind of family bonding time. Looks like it was a super fun experience.
What a fun time! Those things sound like they’re really intense! I think I would have a blast at one.
This would be an amazing way to spend the day. My kids would have a great time. I would try it out to.
Watching it live is really different from watching it just from TV or online. Racing is fun to witness and for sure your kids would also love to go to another event like that soon. 🙂
Sounds like such a fun activity! I hope to be able to watch one also!
This looks like a lot of fun, I bet you all had such an amazing time!
Wow! That is one exciting and exhilarating event! I have never been to one but always curious about it!
What a fun experience for your boys. I wonder if my son will like sports like this when he’s older too.
Looks like a really fun time to have with the kids. I’m sure if I had little boys they would have loved doing this.
I have a boy and a girl. It really was fun though.
Looks like your family had a lot of fun! I could see why young boys would go crazy for this sort of stuff.
That sounds like a lot of fun. I don’t think my asd daughter would appreciate the noise too much but I know that my s/o’s boys would absolutely love it.
Omg this wou
Omg this sounds so fun!!!! My princess would have so much fun at something like this!
I like introducing my kids to new things too. I bet they’d like the supercross!
I have ALWAYS wanted to go. My toddler would LOVE it. I might have to bring ear plugs though. 😀
My son would probably love to go to something like this! It’s so important to expose your children to new things.
i love going to these types of events. they are so much fun!!
This looks like a lot of fun! I’ve never been to supercross but I think my husband and son would love to go!
How fun! My family and I’d enjoy going to an event like this. 🙂
What a fun time! Everyone looks like they are having such a blast! How exciting.
This looks like something that my nephew would enjoy going to. I wouldn’t mind seeing it myself – I don’t really recall anything like this coming to my city though.
That looks like so much fun! It’ll be great when my son is old enough to take to these! 🙂
You can definitely tell your boys are brothers eh! They look quite a bit alike… or at least I think so anyways.
This sounds really cool. I’ve always wanted to take my own two, although nothing worthwhile has come to my area since I remembered how much fun a monster truck rally was when I was a kid.
I don’t have two boys. I have a son and a daughter. Thanks for stopping by.
Oh jeez, I feel foolish (although it looks like it’s a common mistake). Admittedly, I made assumptions based upon the matching outfits, colours and how similar they look *facepalm* I feel so bad now. Gah. Children have such androgynous faces at this age that it’s not always easy to tell- my own wears his hair long and has been called a girl in the mall 😛