This year I thought long and hard about what I wanted my 2019 word to be. Since I started doing words I have found them really helpful in helping me pursue my goals. Last year I chose multiple words. I just couldn’t choose one. So this year I believe I am going to do the same thing again. I don’t think one word is going to shape up how I want my year to look at the end of the year. My words this year are forward and no excuses.
I chose the word forward because I am really trying to move forward. I was talking to a friend the other day and I realized I am holding grudges against a bunch of people. Myself included. In my head I don’t think I hold grudges but I actually do. I am realizing that there are a number of things that I have not moved past even though I had convinced myself that I had. In actuality what I have managed to do is just sweep it in a corner. But all these things I have managed to ignore are really just there. There is some reason or another I am not speaking to a person or something I am not doing. In order for me to move forward in life I have to work on letting these things go. So that’s what I am planning on doing in 2019. I am going to move forward. That may mean reaching out to someone that I haven’t spoken to in years for whatever reason or just letting go of whatever situation that I have not confronted. It may even mean confronting the past situation. Whatever I need to do I will do to move forward in my life.
I have been saying I am going to work on not making excuses for years. I must admit that I have gotten better. Way better than I was before. So I want to keep it going. I feel like I still have some work to do. I mainly nuse excuses when I am scared or don’t want to do something. So I am trying to face my fears and do the things I don’t want to do but need to do. I have to continue to make strides to be a better me. What are your words for 2019?