My 2017 is starting off pretty okay. I am happy to say that we are all happy and healthy over here. I am learning to focus on the things that I need to focus on. I feel that some great things have happened to me. I mean at least to me. One thing I have learned in life is that sometimes we need to focus on our small victories as well as our big victories as well. Without those small victories we wouldn’t get to the big ones. So if we don’t acknowledge them we tend to forget about the path that we took to get where we are. Also they keep us motivated to keep going. So far this month:
- I have been consistently working out with a break here and the but no longer than a day or two.
- I am celebrating 3 months on my job. This is a big deal for me because my last job I was only on it two months so this is a pretty big deal for me.
- I bought myself some earrings and I also bought a book. This is a big deal simply because I haven’t just bought myself anything in awhile. I thought about me and got something that I liked.
- I am finally making headway with some of the kids at my job. Some of them actually come and talk to me when they need a listening ear.
- My bosses are recognizing my hard work and have told me that they appreciate me.
- I am beginning to speak up for myself more.
- I am pushing myself out of my comfort zone and trying new things with my hair. I have to say that I’ve been loving it.
I am really happy with the things that have happened so far. I can’t wait to see what else 2017 has in store for me. I plan to help it along. What have you accomplished this month?