I have been riding bikes for about 2 years now. I’ve been enjoying it to the fullest honestly. It has brought me a great deal of joy. It has also been a pretty eye opening experience. Riding a bike is so much different than being in a car. You see differently. In a car you are coming by everything. On a bike you can see so much more.

One thing I’ve learned is that they are some things that I just need to have to ride my bike comfortably and safely. I’m going to share some of those things with you today.
- A great bike. I have to have a bike that I’m comfortable riding. I recently got a bike from an actual bike shop. It cost me a great deal of money but it was so worth it.
- A helmet I need a comfortable helmet. This is something else you can get better at a bike shop. Because you are buying it from a bike shop you are sure to get your money’s worth.
- Lights are very important. I have a front and back light. You want a light that can be seen in the day and night time. The lights I have can be charged if I plug in to an outlet. I love the fact that they are rechargeable.
- A bell. Bells make it easier to alert people that you are coming or you can do what I do when I ride I’ll call out on your left or right. You can even do both.
- A bike rack. For me a bike rack is a must have on the back of my bike. It allows me to carry my necessities in my bag.
- A bike bag. I have some essentials things I need to carry so a bike bag is something I really need.
- Bike chain. I actually have two bike chains. Since The husband and I ride together I have a chain that locks and one that threads our bikes together.
- A rearview mirror. I got a rearview mirror for my bike today because I hate not being able to see what’s behind me. It is a bit daunting to suddenly see a car or another biker past you all of a sudden. It can scare you enough to make you fall. Well at least me.
- Padded pants/skirts/shorts: When riding long distances seating on a bike seat can become pretty uncomfortable. The Husband bought us both some padded pants and he got me a skirt. It has definitely made the ride way more comfortable than before.
- A phone holder. This is necessary because it prevents you from having to stop constantly pull out your phone to do whatever you need to do with it. I am on the hunt for another one since mine broke.
- A tire lever. This little tool will help you change your bike tire. I recently got 2 because I have had at least 4 flats alone this summer.
- Replacement tubes. Again because I have had so any flats this summer I thought it would be smart to start carryong these. My last flat I was saved because some kind women had a tube, a tire lever, and the next item on my list.
- A co2 inflator. The two women had a co2 inflator on them as well. It helped pump my tire up until I could use my bike pump to put air in it. It was a life saver.
Now everyone doesn’t need all this equipment. I have it because it makes things more comfortable for me. Another thing you need to know is I of course didn’t get all this stuff at once. I got it over time. Just ease into it like I did. Also only get the things that you feel you need. If anything should be added to this list please let me know.
Reading your items list & that quite detailed. Just one thing you said you had a “bike rack” for your bike. A bike rack is for the car. You must mean you have a bag on your bike. Took me a minute to understand. I’m also an avid bike rider & probably going to purchase another one in a few months. The one thing that bothers me about bike riding is you never have enough time in the day to do it.
Yes I meant a bike bag and the rack to hold it. There really isn’t enough time in the day to get in a good ride.