Yesterday my day started off pretty normal. I did everything I normally do. Got up got my kids off the school and The Husband off to work. I had no idea that my day would take the turn that it took.
Normally when I am home I do all of my house work and then I stay upstairs in my room. We don’t have a TV in our living room and that’s how I like to pass some of my time. So since there is no reason for me to be downstairs I stay upstairs. So I was in my room yesterday when everything took place and did not really hear anything until my neighbor came knocking on my front door. Thank god for my neighbor. Being here by myself I am very cautious so when he first knocked I ignored it cause I knew I had not planned for any visitors but when he kept knocking I went downstairs and peered through my window. He began asking me questions about one of my windows. He asked if I had left my window open and did I know that the screen was off. At first I thought he was asking about the crack in it and I told him I knew about that but then when he asked about the window being opened and the screen being off I immediately became alarmed. So I opened my door and went to see what he was talking about. Turns out he caught a man outside my window. He had cracked the window the rest of the way, opened it, and was preparing to come inside my house and rob it. I have no clue how I didn’t hear anything. Probably because of the stuff we had in front of the window. Because of the crack we had put some things in front of the window until we could find someone to fix it. Looking back, I realize that as soon we noticed a crack, we should’ve immediately contacted a professional from somewhere like this Wilmington Window company, and had that window replaced! It would’ve been best to have them put in a new, sturdy window, but well, we thought a quick fix would work for then. And then this happened… He had even gone so far as to move some of the things. To be honest I heard a few noises but I just assumed it was Jojo our cat. In fact I did go out into the hallway to see what Jojo was doing. My neighbor believes that he tried to break into his home as well which would have been stupid since he has a dog. He was alerted because his brother pulled up and noticed the man squatted down in front of my neighbor’s window holding a screwdriver. The neighbor and his brother had the guy and he kept claiming he wasn’t doing anything. But when I got on the phone and called the police the guy ran off. When the police arrived and investigated they agreed with my neighbor that if he hadn’t been there that the guy would have robbed the house. We were able to give a pretty good description of the guy and now we are all praying that the police will catch this guy. I called The Husband and he came right home.
I am still kind of scared but this morning we got an estimate on the window. At first, we thought of covering it with window decals. But my husband suggested patching it. I also put the stuff we had in front of it back. Unfortunately, we couldn’t get anyone out there yesterday. This made for a kind of tough night of sleep.
The Husband stayed with me this morning until the guy from the glass company showed up and patched up the window. I found a great Door County window installation service but luckily my husband knew someone local that could do the job for us. Hopefully, it won’t take too long to fix. He has to order our glass. I am just glad the guy didn’t get in and that my neighbor was there. My neighbor on the other side of me and the neighbor who stopped guy said that they would look out for me. It is great to have good neighbors
Thank goodness your safe! You have great neighbors to look out for you. I would’ve been a nervous wreck knowing the fact that someone was trying to rob me!
Louida recently posted…EXTREME DINOSAURS Exhibition in Atlanta and 4 Free Tickets Giveaway Ends 4/6
I was. So glad The Husband came home. I did not want to be in the house by myself.
Oh my gosh, my heart is beating so hard right now! How scary. You are very lucky to have such great neighbors. Wow.
Robin (Masshole Mommy) recently posted…Chris’s World Famous Homemade Guacamole
Yes very lucky. It was such a blessing he was there when he was.
What a blessing that your neighbor saw him and took steps to prevent it!
Virginia @thatbaldchick recently posted…Our first AWANA Grand Prix
Yes I agree definitely a blessing.
I honestly though that you got a picture of the robber trying to break in! Of course, then I read your post. I’m glad your neighbor was there for you. The robber is pretty brazen to be breaking into peoples homes with people there!
Ashley B. recently posted…Toddler-Angst.
Ha ha ha!! Yes I agree I couldn’t believe he chose to try in broad daylight but he also looked like he was high.
Too scary. Good neighbors can be priceless – you owe him one!
Scott recently posted…Are You Cooking to the Right Temp?
Yes definitely
Pretty crazy! Glad your neighbor was there. Might be time to invest in a gun for home protection!
Beth recently posted…5 Things Every Home School Mom Needs
Yes I am so glad he was home.
Glad you are ok. You should invest in a home security alarm for your windows.
Yes we are looking into one.
Yes we are looking into one now
It’s awesome that you have great neighbors. I would hope that mine would do the same for me heaven forbid something like that happen.
Yes I was so glad he was home when he was
How utterly terrifying! I am so glad your neighbor put a stop to that!!!!!
Liz Mays recently posted…NETGEAR Nighthawk Saves the Signal!
Wow that is super scary to experience. I’m so happy you have an awesome neighbor! I hope you’ll be able to relax and feel safe in your home again real soon but I know it’s very hard when someone tries to break in, I’d be a nervous wreck, in fact I’d probably go high tech and home aloneish. But thank goodness it turned out okay.
Chavonne recently posted…Kernel Season’s Review
Oh my goodness! I agree with some of the others, you should look into a home security system. We had one put in our daughter’s house and it was really inexpensive– well worth the money and peace of mind.
Denise Gabbard recently posted…Children’s Book Review: Stinky Fumes
That is so scary! I’m glad that your neighbor was there to catch the guy and I’m glad that you weren’t harmed.
Pam recently posted…Microsoft Surface 2 Gets Going
WOW! That is quite a scary event! Very scary to imagine being there as he was set to rob the place! Eek. So good to know you have great neighbors that look out for each other. I have neighbors like that as well. We all help keep an eye on each other’s homes. Day and night.
Amber Edwards recently posted…Pourty Flexi-Fit Toilet Trainer Giveaway
Take your neighbor some cookies!! Thank goodness he was on his toes! I’m glad you’re safe!
Tiffany recently posted…Baby Shower Table Decor #EviteBabyTrends #paid
Oh my how scary so happy your neighbor was watching out for you.
becca recently posted…EmbarK12
Oh my that sounds pretty scary. I am glad to hear that you are okay and no one got hurt. You have an amazing neighbor.
Thank goodness your neighbor was home to see what was going on. I am glad you are okay, who knows what would have happened if the attempt to get in would not have been interrupted. Sometimes you can remove the window that is cracked – they sometimes pop out with the frame attached and find a local shop to quickly repair it. That is what we did when a rock went through our window. That way we had it back the same day.
Jennifer williams recently posted…Check Out the Jord Wood Watch
I’m glad that you are safe and that your neighbor was looking out for you. This must have been a terrifying experience.
Tough Cookie Mommy recently posted…Feather The Nest And Achieve The Goals You Always Wanted! @Feather_Nesters #Ad
You are very lucky. That would have been classified as a “home invasion” if he would have been successful since you were in the home.
This happened to us 10 years ago and my son was in the house sleeping. They kicked in a French Door and ransacked our house and pepper sprayed and beat our dogs. My son slept through most of it and finally woke up and went out in the house and they ran out the front door. He was very lucky too.
The first thing we did was get a good alarm system.
Pam recently posted…Trinity 3-in-1 Tool Box Sweepstakes!
What a scare! Thank God for your neighbor and thank God you are safe. I hope you will eventually be ok and re-gain your sense of security
Veronica recently posted…Decorating Your Home Even With Small Kids
That is scary! Sounds like someone desperate and disorganized which makes it worse. Thank goodness your neighbor saw him.
Nanny Flowers recently posted…Too Young to Be a Grandma?
Wow! That’s scary! I”m glad you are okay and everything is fine!
Kristen from The Road to Domestication recently posted…Van’s Say Cheese! Snack Packs Review & GIVEAWAY!
Thanks so much. It was definitely a scary situation.
Oh my goodness that’s so scary. Thank goodness for your neighbor!!
Toni recently posted…She Had Wings Once…And They Were Strong! New @Maleficent Trailer!
I am so glad he was there.
Oh my gosh! How scary! I’m so glad you had a great neighbor to keep an eye out!!
Amanda recently posted…Free Ebooks 3/20
Yes agreed. Great neighbor. I really appreciated it.
Oh my gosh!! That would be scary. Im home during the day and am always worried about someone breaking in. glad you are ok!
Tess recently posted…Tuesday Things
I’ve always been scared that, that would happen. I think that is what scared me. That my fears actually came true.
Oh my god, that is so scary!!! I’m so glad that you are okay and an even scarier situation was prevented. Maybe you need a dog, too!
Yes I am totally thinking about getting a dog because Jojo was no help at all. It was very scary.
Oh my gosh! That is so scary. Glad you are okay.
Amber Nelson recently posted…Stars Swing For A Cause At 2014 Michael Jordan Celebrity Invitational In Las Vegas
Thank you so very much. I really appreciate your kind words.
Thank goodness your neighbor was there and you’re physically ok. Hope they catch him!
valmg @ Mom Knows It All recently posted…Celebrate @BigFishGames Midnight Castle iPad Launch By Entering The Midnight Castle Sweepstakes
I am hoping they catch him too.
Oh my goodness, I can’t even imagine how scary that was! I would have freaked out. Thank goodness for your neighbor!
Nikki recently posted…Check out Fashion Photo Tips from Blurb & Save 25% on Photo Books
Trust me I totally freaked out. I am so grateful that he was there.
Oh no! My sister was recently robbed and it is so much more than stuff. The loss of feeling secure and comfortable is so much harder to get back. I am so glad that you weren’t hurt.
Rachee recently posted…Disney’s Muppet Most Wanted Activities
Yes it really is. I am working on it.
How scary!! I’m so glad your neighbors were there to help you!! You have me checking all my windows and doors. I hope you never see that guy again.
Ashley Gill recently posted…Swing & Spin Giveaway
I am in the middle of that. I want to see him again so I can get him arrested. I actually catch myself looking to see if I can recognize him. Other than that I want no dealings with him.
Oh my gosh that is terrifying! I’m so happy your neighbor scared the guy off and everything worked out alright.
Melissa @Serendipity and Spice recently posted…Manic Monday Linky Party 3/24
Yes I was so scared. Once the reality of it set in I wound up breaking down crying at the though of what could have happened.
Thank goodness for your neighbor and that you are okay!
Tiffany @ Real Mom Talk recently posted…Whine Coolers – The Perfect Cocktail for a Mom PJ Party
Yes I felt very blessed that he was there.
There is no way to like this post, except that your neighbor let you know what was going on. I hope that you do take self defense classes, so that you are able to go back to enjoying your home again.
That must have been a very scary experience.
That is a great idea. Don’t know why I didn’t think of looking into that.
Wow! That’s scary. We had a break in once when we lived in NYC. He stole all of my jewelry, since then I haven’t replaced any of it. Now I’m always on the alert and we have a home security system. You have a great neighbor but you may to think about installing a home security system as well. It will surely give you some peace of mind.
Amanda Love recently posted…Be Confident With Notes to Self Socks! – Review
We are definitely looking into a security system. I am doing much better now.