Yep. You read that correctly. There is another name change for my little darlings. This past Sunday Tyler (formerly known as Private J) had a science fair project to do. We decided to film it and lately every time we do something he wants to know am I going to post about it on my blog or if I do a video will I post it on youtube. I told him that if he wanted me to I would. So as I was attempting to upload the video of him doing his Science fair project he saw me label it Private J. He suddenly got this look on his face and said “Why did I choose that name?”
I said I have no clue that is what you chose so that’s what I’m using.
He said “well why can’t I use my name”
I said “I want to protect your identity. Then I asked him if he wanted to use his name.
He said “Can I use my middle name”
I said “Which one?” (cause he has two. The Husband and I couldn’t decide which one so we used both of our suggestions.)
He said “Tyler”
I said “Okay”
So now Private J will be known as Tyler. After my discussion with Tyler I asked Princess S if she wanted to do the same. She said yes. So now Princess S will be known as Nishe’. The Husband will still be known as The Husband and I will always be Katherine. These kids are constantly changing things but this will be the last name change. They are true blogger kids. Ha ha ha!!!!
I think the one word names are easier for us to follow and don’t clam up the sentences as much. Good choices!
Lindsey recently posted…Crafting Project: Burlap Wreath
I was wondering if the names could be problematic. But I’m glad we changed them.
PS> Don’t forget to update your “about me” page!
Lindsey recently posted…Crafting Project: Burlap Wreath
Thanks so much for reminding me. Headed over to do it now.