This weekend was a blast. The Husband and I of course did some bike riding this weekend. This time we hit up a new trail that The Husband came across one day last week while he was hanging out with Tyler. It’s called Cheshire Farm Trail. He was excited to hit up this trail which made me excited. So the plans for Saturday was to ride this trail.
This was a short trail so to make it longer we parked at a local grocery store and rode over to the trail. It only took a short ride to get to the trail maybe about 20 minutes. Once we got on the trail we took off. To get down onto the trail you have to go down a steep short hill but it was smooth sailing from there. The trail led us to a really pretty lake. We even got to see some ducks. Then we rode a little further down and saw another part of the lake. After riding the trail we rode and had breakfast at Waffle House. Unfortunately we kind of hit a small roadblock when The Husband caught a flat. I was able to ride my bike to the car and then pick him up. But it was so fun to ride a new area.
On Sunday The Husband and I got up DVD went on a quick bike ride. I also worked on my skating skills. I actually got my nerves up a bit and tried to turn on skates. So I’m now working on bubbles and turning. I still need a little practice because it’s not perfect. It doesn’t matter to me though cause I know with practice I’ll get it down. I’m trying to find what works for me. YouTube helped a lot. I had to find someone who spoke my language enough to understand how to pivot on skates. It took me so long because I was trying to do exactly how they did it. But I’m learning to show myself Grace and take it a step at a time. Small progress is better than no progress.
I also had a blast playing some games with my kids. I had a blast this weekend. It was so much fun. I’m excited to get to next weekend so that I can have more fun.