This weekend was a full one we did four separate rides in two days. I must admit I am pretty proud of The Husband and I because we got some great exercise and really earned some good miles. This is one of my favorite things that we do together. We are doing something that we both enjoy. I love that we have an activity that we enjoy doing together. I also like that we are starting to meet other people who enjoy riding bike as much as we do. It’s really nice to find our people. I really like how we push each other to keep going. The Husband has found some really wonderful trails for us to experience and I have found like one or two. I hope to find more. Now let me tell you about this ride.

On our first ride which was on Saturday we rode with a bike group called Red Bike Green. The Husband came across this group ride on Instagram. The group met up at Gordon White Park in Atlanta. This was a 10 mile ride. The leader Ken was really great at leading the group and making sure all of us were together. We met a few people and actually talked with them. Again we felt welcomed. The group stopped and told us about areas of Atlanta that were being remodeled. For example we passed the Pittsburg Yard. I really want to visit the space with The Husband when we get a chance. The ride took us about an hour and a half. One of my favorite parts of the ride was when we pulled over and stopped at a vegan ice cream shop called Eighty 7 Sweets. I believe that I am lactose intolerant cause certain forms of dairy is a hit and a miss with me. So I have been staying away from dairy. So whenever we go to an ice cream shop I always ask for a nondairy option. Most time all I can get is sherbet or sorbet and then most nondairy options are chocolate. While I like chocolate I don’t want it all the time. But guess what at this vegan shop I was able to get a nondairy option with different flavors. I had strawberry mango and I really enjoyed every last bit of it. I mingled with more people which is really out of the norm for me. It was really fun. After ice cream we headed back to our starting point.

Our second ride on Saturday was just The Husband and I. While we were with the biking group The Husband noticed that we were near Big Dave’s Cheesesteaks. He came up with the idea that we could just ride back down and visit the restaurant after we finished riding with the group. So that’s what we did . We parked at Avondale train station and rode from there all the way to the restaurant on our bikes. That made for a 15 mile ride round trip. I thought this was so fun cause we went and picked up our food then sat down and ate it in a park in Decatur where there happened to be a guy playing music. This was the perfect unplanned date night. I thought it was really nice. The sandwiches we got from Big Dave’s were so good. It was really fun.

Sunday we got up and headed to The Big Creek Greenway. I had been wanting to go to this trail for the longest because I had seen many fellow bikers on this trail in the Black Girls Do Bike Facebook I am apart of. The trail looked absolutely amazing so I wanted to check it out. So we got up and headed that way. We wound up riding at least 15 miles just exploring the trail. We saw a trio of deer and some spiders. It was so much fun. We went pretty far. It goes a pretty long way. So we only went about half way. But we plan to go further the next time.

The highlight of my weekend though was the night bike ride that The Husband and I took with a bike riding group called the Dope Pedalers. The Husband and I had been going on a night ride for a while now. We on a mini one some time last year. So when The Husband found this one I was totally down for it. We met up with the group on the corner of Pryor Street. We met a great group of riders. Everyone was really encouraging. We rode off at around 8. I loved the ride. It was really fun. It took about two hours to do. The leader made sure no one was left behind. One rider caught a flat and I have to admit I love this group. He didn’t have a tube and another rider quickly stepped up and offered him one. We did eventually leave this rider but the leader made sure someone stayed with him and they knew where to meet up at. We did the normal (well what is becoming normal) calls. We warned if there was a rough road, if there was a hole, and when the roads were clear. Riding in downtown Atlanta at night really had my adrenaline pumping. What was even more amazing was the people who were rooting us on. It felt amazing to do this ride. It was the greatest ride ever. I met some new riders who shared my love of riding.