I am back with another book review for you guys. I have been slowly working on my goal to read more this year. So far by my count I have read a total of four books. I could have sworn I read more. However four is better than none. I am really proud of myself either way. So lets talk about this book.
The book I just finished reading is called Nothing Burns As Bright As You. by Ashley WoodFolk. The book circles around two teenage girls who start off as friends but then become lovers. They are connected on a super deep level. They are both the same yet different at the same time. Everything changes in one day with one decision. Then the lines become blurred and absolutely dangerous. Each of them are trying to figure out where to go after the fall out. One wants desperately to be loved by the other. The other refuses to acknowledge her feelings. One night forces a decision that neither can take back.

I personally loved this book. It was different from other books that I read. You get a description of the characters but they basically have no names. It is one of the things that motivated me to keep reading this book. I thought it was very clever of the author Ashley Woodfolk not to give the characters names. You just focus on their relationships. I can relate to the characters. Who hasn’t been in a relationship whether it is a love or friendship situation that wasn’t good for them. You know it isn’t good for you or the other person but you want to continue to be connected to the person. I see myself reading more books by this author. It was definitely worth reading. I can’t wait to read my next book.