Most times when I go out I try to catch every moment of the outing with pictures because I want to remember what I am doing. I don’t really think how trying to catch the moment perfectly can affect the outing. I mean there is nothing wrong with making memories don’t get me wrong but trying to take pictures can make you miss out on moments sometimes. I realized this even more a few weekends ago when The Husband and I were out. I had saw a camera trick on Tiktok and I was trying to replicate it. The Husband and I spent over 30 minutes trying to do this and by the end of it we weren’t smiles at all. A few moments before we were all smiles because we were having fun riding the bikes. The Husband had told me before that sometimes I take too many pictures and I would get offended but now I can kind of see it. Almost every time we go out I am taking pictures. Which is okay sometimes but also it is okay to just enjoy the moments and not take as many pictures.
Last weekend I decided to put my phone away and just enjoy our outing. I have to say I really had more fun when I did it. I wasn’t really worried about finding the perfect spot to take a picture (Even though I am not going to lie I did see a few spots to capture the moment.). Even when I did see a spot I ignored it so that I could just spend time with my husband. I did take one picture that was of some tiny doors that we have come across before. The Husband showed them to me. Usually when we pass these doors we are in the car. So I was glad that we were able to catch that moment. I don’t know what number doors that was. I would have to go back and see. But I am loving finding these doors around the city. I also liked that I was able to just enjoy our outing without having my phone out every five minutes. It was definitely a different experience. So I think I will be doing it more often. I will still take pictures but maybe not every outing.

I realize it is okay to put the phone down and just enjoy the moment. Memories are good but you can create those memories and just remember them the best you can. I just really want to enjoy life and am realizing sometimes pictures aren’t needed. Plus sometimes your love ones will remember getting your full attention more than the pictures.