The past month has been really good to me. I am still getting adjusted to the new job. I think I’m doing really well so far. I’m finding my place and figuring out my style of doing things. I’m growing more confident by the day. It feels good to be figuring things out.
I’m slowly figuring out my diet with my new work schedule as well. I don’t know why but every few months my diet goes out the window. So I’m in that period now where i’m figuring it out. The struggle usually happens when I have a change in my life. So the change currently was my job but I’m getting back on course. I have started to take walks on my lunch break and I even went skating one day this week. I hope you do that more often because I think it is a great way to get my body moving. Plus I can workout and have fun at the same time.
I’m still enjoying bike riding. Our most recent ride The husband and I participated in an event called Roll to the Poll. We rode with a bike group I’m Atlanta so they could early vote. After the ride we rode to another destination to eat food that was prepared for the group. It was really fun. The ride wound up being about 5 miles. After that we decided to get a little more of a workout and rode to Target to pick up some items. That wound up being a 15 mile ride.

I’m still reading my books. I’ve been reading one for about a month now. I have been trying to find time to read with everything else I’m working on and sometimes bring tired from work. So whenever I find the time I take advantage of it.
Other than that I’m really enjoying where my life is right now and I see it improving from there.