Okay, okay! I know I am really late with my Self Love Monday post. I titled it as such because it’s meant to be shared on Monday. Life got a little busy and so here we are. Remember again Self Love Monday is where I pat myself on the back for my accomplishments the week prior. I encourage you to share yours as well. As you all know I am an after school teacher at a after school program. At my job we are encouraged to share our ideas to improve the program. I have thought of some ideas but haven’t really tried to put them in action. I wasn’t comfortable. Also if you know me you know I am not one to always act on my ideas. I tend to keep things to myself. Now I am getting comfortable with it. I know they are trying to improve their program as well as make the kids have an enjoyable time while they are there. One of the ideas I recently thought about was having a piñata day. Once I presented it to my boss he told me it was a great idea and put it on the calendar. We are suppose to be doing it soon. I am so excited that I presented the idea and he thought it was a great one. Him accepting my idea has encouraged me to think of other ideas as well. I know not all of them will be accepted but it has definitely has gotten my wheels spinning. Just another victory in the life of Katherine. Can’t wait to see what else is in store for me.
What did you accomplish this week? Are you accomplishing anything this week? Please feel free to share in the comments.