I know it has been awhile since I have a posted a self love Monday post. I honestly haven’t really had anything to celebrate about recently. Maybe I did but didn’t realize it. That’s exactly what it was. I didn’t think I had anything to celebrate. Then last week I looked at my door at work. I had done something to my door that I had never done before. It was definitely outside of my comfort zone but I did it.
Three weeks ago my job had a door decorating contest. At the time I thought there was a prize but afterwards I found out there wasn’t. Honestly if I had known before I don’t think I would’ve have put as much effort into decorating my door as I did. You see normally I shy away from being creative. That’s because I don’t think I have a creative bone in my body. I have tried to do things and failed. Is it really a failure if things don’t turn out the way you want them too? Anyway. I would try things and then give up if they were hard or weren’t just perfect. I got my door idea off Pinterest. I really wanted to go all out. I knew I wanted to do a snowman but I didn’t want to do the traditional snowman out of paper. So I headed to Pinterest to find creative ways to do it. I came across this cool idea where the person used plastic cups. I immediately almost didn’t do it cause I almost knew it was not going to turn out like the picture cause I wanted mine to hang on a door not sit on the ground. But I said to myself what the heck. I won’t know until I try it. We were given a $20 budget. I headed to the store and got all my supplies. I had two days to complete my project. I decided to make my snowman smaller because of time constraints. I made it and hung it on the door. When I came in the next day I discovered it had fallen off the door. I was super disappointed but I hurried and put it back together again and hung it back up. This time I used more tape than I did the first time. I added the face later on. I got a kick out of the kids and my co-workers trying to figure out what I was doing. No one thought that I would finish in time. I honestly I didn’t think I would either but I did. At the end I wound up with something that I loved. My bosses were so surprised cause I had never put that much effort into decorating in the 2 years I had been there. I was so proud of myself.

I had so much fun making this snowman. It was so different than what I normally would do. Which is basically not participate at all or just do the bare minimum. I was so surprised that I could do it. Maybe I could try to be even more creative in the future. It is definitely inspiring to see what I can do if I put my mind to it and stop doubting myself. I won the contest. I was a little upset that there turned out to be no prize. But eventually I realized the greatest prize was seeing that I could do it. I felt amazing.