When I went to the gynecologist a few years ago and was dismissed I knew something was wrong. I mean I just had some things that just weren’t normal with my body. My menstrual cycle was pretty regular but could be really heavy at times. So when I went to the appointment I knew I had to get answers. Well, I was not happy with the treatment that I got. That in turn turned into me not going to the gynecologist for years until recently. But I still felt like maybe something wasn’t right. I’m not going to lie I thought I was probably just overreacting and that my body was changing due to age.
I went to the gynecologist a few weeks back. I posted about my visit here. Well at the end of that visit I was told that I needed to get an ultrasound on my uterus because it was enlarged. She was also concerned about the amount of bleeding I was doing. I explained to her that I can pretty much go through an ultra tampon within an hour for at least three days. So we scheduled the ultrasound. I went the following week. This past Monday I got the results.. I found out that I have three fibroids. (Fibroids are abnormal growths on or in a woman’s uterus. Among the many available options, a fibroid treatment without surgery can be opted to treat this particular condition). In my case, the one the doctor is most concerned about is the one inside my uterus. It is half the size of my uterus. It is ten centimeters and the fibroid is four centimeters. She basically told me that if I had wanted to have kids with the position of the fibroid that it would be very difficult. In my head, I am relieved that I am done having kids. I am glad that I had my kids earlier in life because trying to do it now would be a struggle. I wouldn’t be able to carry a child to term. So thank goodness I already have my babies.

Now I am faced with making a decision with what to do about them. I have been given three different options. All of them are surgeries but they range from minimally invasive to extremely invasive. Which no matter how I chalk it up means I will be down for a few days. Now I am wondering if had I kept pursuing what I wasn’t right would I have to face these three options at all. I guess I will never know.