This year I am taking a different approach to my goals for 2018. I am realizing that sometimes you have to do things a little different to get to where you want to be. Every year I set these big goals. For example I want a car. I know I want this car. However I have no plans set to work my way to getting this car. That just isn't working for me. I have to figure out how I am going to get there. :: Keep Reading ::
6 Reasons You Aren’t Meeting Your Goals
I have noticed that I have had the same goals for years now. Each year I've set these goals and each year I have failed them. I have to admit that each time I have to admit that I am disappointed in myself. I mean really who wouldn't be. Especially to find yourself in the same spot year after year. Even if some thing in your life are different you can still feel unfulfilled if you haven't accomplished what you feel really matters. I have :: Keep Reading ::