Two weeks ago. The Husband and I participated in the John Lewis Memorial Freedom Ride. This ride involved well over 100 cyclists. I was so excited to participate in this ride. We haven't done a group ride other than with our Pedego group in months. I was looking forward to seeing some familiar faces. So let me tell you the reason behind the ride if you haven't figured it out already. This ride is to celebrate the life of the civil right activist :: Keep Reading ::
Monthly Bike Ride At Silver Comet Trail
My weekend was pretty busy. Well my Saturday was anyway. So I’m going to start with the first thing we did. It’s the first Saturday in July so that of course means it’s time for mine and The Husband’s monthly bike ride with our bike group. :: Keep Reading ::
June Pedego Bike Ride
Yesterday was the first Saturday of the month. For us it means it’s time for the monthly Pedego bike ride. I honestly look forward to these monthly bike rides. We usually meet be people every ride. I enjoy meeting new people and seeing old friends. This time was a little different. The Husband and I led the ride. This is our third time doing so. :: Keep Reading ::
New Bike Trails & New Skating Skill
This weekend was a blast. The Husband and I of course did some bike riding this weekend. This time we hit up a new trail that The Husband came across one day last week while he was hanging out with Tyler. It’s called Cheshire Farm Trail. He was excited to hit up this trail which made me excited. So the plans for Saturday was to ride this trail. :: Keep Reading ::
Riding Arabia Mountain and Brunch
This past weekend was full of fun. We did so much. I am tired after all we did. But I always look forward to the weekend. This weekend was filled with bike rides, the Atlanta Fair, and trying a new restaurant. So let's get started. :: Keep Reading ::