This week I found myself really focused on past friendships I had . Mainly I was trying to figure out why I let those people treat ,e the way that they did. I was really trying to find an answer. I think the thing I wanted to know is why didn’t I call them out on their behavior. I have noticed lately I really have a problem with confronting people if I am wronged by them. I will continue to let things slide and won’t say a word until I blow up. :: Keep Reading ::
Would You End A Friendship For Your Spouse
Sometimes my husband and I love to sit down and just ask each other questions that have been on our mind. It doesn't have to be about a situation that is going on at the moment but maybe we become curious because of something we saw on television, read, or a conversation that we had with someone. Recently I have been hearing a lot of conversation about people having to choose between a friend and their spouse or significant other for one reason :: Keep Reading ::
From Facebook Friends To Real Life Friends
One thing that I love about social media is the ability to form new friendships with a variety of people who live in different places. I think that it is just amazing I have made numerous friends through social media. Some have lasted and others have fallen by the way side. When I started my natural hair journey 9 years ago I had no idea what I was doing. It took me a few years to figure it out. Then I began looking for hairstyles for my daughter :: Keep Reading ::
To Offer Or Not To Offer: That Is The Question
Lately I have been wanting to improve my blog. One of the things I wanted to improve on my site is the header. I was going to order a header but then my friend surprised me with one that she had made for me. She too had noticed I need a more professional header. I thought it was great! She had made it in my favorite color and everything. She has even offered to make some changes. I thanked her for the header and asked her how much she was going :: Keep Reading ::